Bombshell Report Reveals Over 100 Federal Judges With Ethical Violations

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Via In Question: A bombshell report says that more than 130 federal judges violated US law and judicial ethics by overseeing court cases involving companies in which they or their family owned stock. A Wall Street Journal investigation found that judges have improperly failed to disqualify themselves from nearly 700 court cases around the nation since 2010. Attorney at Levin, Papantonio and Rafferty Michael Bixby shares his perspective.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Right now to a bombshell report that says more than 130 federal judges have violated US law and judicial ethics by overseeing court cases involving companies in which they or their family owned stock. A Wall Street journal investigation found that judges have improperly failed to disqualify themselves from nearly 700 court cases around the country since the year 2010. And joining us with his legal expertise attorney at Levin Papantonio and Rafferty, Michael Bixby is here. Michael, good to see you again. You know, this, this to me seems like a clear case of conflict of interest. These unethical judges only issued a mea culpa to the concerned parties of those cases. Is there any recourse, Mike, for the litigants who were tried by these judges?
Yes, there is. And I'll echo what's included in the report from the Wall Street journal by a law professor. This situation is surprising and it's disappointing. But the good news is there is recourse, so you can have, and in fact, it's already happening where you can request an independent court, a different judge to review. The parties who have been affected by this have been notified for that very reason. They can seek relief, whatever that might be overturning, reconsidering the decision and that's, that's already happening in some cases. Now, of course, these are civil cases, so you're not seeing any of these being criminal cases and some of the decisions are minor. Things like transfer. But we can't overstate the importance of faith in the judiciary, an independent judiciary that avoids any appearance of impropriety. And in these cases, unfortunately, the, the judges should have recused themselves, but for whatever reason, whether it's justified or not, they did not. And that's an error that needs to be fixed.
Exactly. On that note, you know, like you said, when stories like this break, it certainly has an impact. I think, on an already dis, distrusting public of our justice system, or people say our injustice system. It is so incredibly rare for a judge to be taken off the bench for any misdeeds. I mean, some way more egregious than just owning stock in a company whose case they were presiding over. Where are the checks and balances for judges, Michael? In, in other words, who watches the watchmen?
Sure. There are several checks and balances here. First of all, I mean, any person could file a complaint against a judge. There's a process for that. It would not, of course be judged by that judge, but it's reviewed by an independent chief judge for a particular district. There's judicial committees that are sort of self-regulatory in that, in, in that sense. And then ultimately, and, and in fact, this has happened where there can be impeachment available for federal judges in particular. There's an impeachment process in the past, at least 15 judges over the years have been impeached, eight have been convicted. And then sometimes when there's issues that do arise, judges even resigned, but there are multiple processes and multiple checks and balances in place. And I think this is an example where I think there are processes that are happening right now. There are checks and balances. There is accountability, and there are investigations that are taking places in this instance.
Now, in movies, sometimes judges are depicted as sorta, you know, these dirty judges, those who take bribes or, you know, are in bed with the mob and so forth.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Right now to a bombshell report that says more than 130 federal judges have violated US law and judicial ethics by overseeing court cases involving companies in which they or their family owned stock. A Wall Street journal investigation found that judges have improperly failed to disqualify themselves from nearly 700 court cases around the country since the year 2010. And joining us with his legal expertise attorney at Levin Papantonio and Rafferty, Michael Bixby is here. Michael, good to see you again. You know, this, this to me seems like a clear case of conflict of interest. These unethical judges only issued a mea culpa to the concerned parties of those cases. Is there any recourse, Mike, for the litigants who were tried by these judges?
Yes, there is. And I'll echo what's included in the report from the Wall Street journal by a law professor. This situation is surprising and it's disappointing. But the good news is there is recourse, so you can have, and in fact, it's already happening where you can request an independent court, a different judge to review. The parties who have been affected by this have been notified for that very reason. They can seek relief, whatever that might be overturning, reconsidering the decision and that's, that's already happening in some cases. Now, of course, these are civil cases, so you're not seeing any of these being criminal cases and some of the decisions are minor. Things like transfer. But we can't overstate the importance of faith in the judiciary, an independent judiciary that avoids any appearance of impropriety. And in these cases, unfortunately, the, the judges should have recused themselves, but for whatever reason, whether it's justified or not, they did not. And that's an error that needs to be fixed.
Exactly. On that note, you know, like you said, when stories like this break, it certainly has an impact. I think, on an already dis, distrusting public of our justice system, or people say our injustice system. It is so incredibly rare for a judge to be taken off the bench for any misdeeds. I mean, some way more egregious than just owning stock in a company whose case they were presiding over. Where are the checks and balances for judges, Michael? In, in other words, who watches the watchmen?
Sure. There are several checks and balances here. First of all, I mean, any person could file a complaint against a judge. There's a process for that. It would not, of course be judged by that judge, but it's reviewed by an independent chief judge for a particular district. There's judicial committees that are sort of self-regulatory in that, in, in that sense. And then ultimately, and, and in fact, this has happened where there can be impeachment available for federal judges in particular. There's an impeachment process in the past, at least 15 judges over the years have been impeached, eight have been convicted. And then sometimes when there's issues that do arise, judges even resigned, but there are multiple processes and multiple checks and balances in place. And I think this is an example where I think there are processes that are happening right now. There are checks and balances. There is accountability, and there are investigations that are taking places in this instance.
Now, in movies, sometimes judges are depicted as sorta, you know, these dirty judges, those who take bribes or, you know, are in bed with the mob and so forth.
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