The Vac-Seen: Yes or No? - Nader Mansour

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#NaderMansour #ProveAllThings #NuggetOfTruth
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"Fear not they that kill the body" but not when we choose to take into our body something we know will harm the body. Destroying our body with any intoxicant is a life and death matter.


people rely and respond too much on their feelings and emotions, instead of standing on God's principles, which shine through His character passing it on to us through Jesus by His Spirit.


God showed me that He can protect me from doing a weekly test just in order to get into the gym room of my rehab clinic. At the beginning I did it, but after a while God showed me that I don't need to do it and that He is more than able to let me fly under the radar. I am very happy and grateful to learn more and more how much I can trust Him. Praise the Father & His only-begotten Son! Halleluyah, amen!


the truth is it is not God's way to use disease to fight disease His way to fight disease is with a strong immune system.


Perfectly said. Very balanced Truth. GBU


It's a Spiritual Battle not a physical one.


Nader can you talk about Satan impersonating jesus in the final days of deception and that demons will take the form of pagan deities to impersonate the dead as well


People want answers, people DON'T want to INTERACT with God.

People want someone to blame for their own failures.

People who search for answers instead of searching the scriptures, these people don't have faith. They have their own life in their own hands and they have to protect it at any cost, you can see their desperation.

People who TRULY have their life in the hands of Jesus are at PEACE, searching the scriptures.
Lord God speaks through the scriptures for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.


Escaping and dying through faith. Yes but of course not including defiling the temple to escape the unlikely consequences. Like you said bro Nadar, how you handle the issue is the real question. From a faith point or human point. That really makes the difference.


Hi everybody !
Luke 4.9 " And he brought him to Jerusalem, and put him on the wing of the holy place, and said unto him, If thou art the Son of God, throw thyself down from here.
For it is written, "He will give orders concerning you to his angels to keep you, " and: "They will bear you up on their hands, lest you strike your foot against a stone."
And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."


I appreciate the Hebrews 11 lesson. Blessings.


Ur still not clear on the subject! I don't understand what ur saying.


Much needed message, thank you Nader.


I'm expecting you pastor to be in one side of the issue. I think there is no middle ground here.... i appreciates dr walter vieth for explaining more clear details whether to vac or not....


Here in south africa, they want digital certificates to proof your vaccination then service is provided, that's in some places now, they said even for buying and selling we are going to need it.... So this sounds like Revelation 13:15-18


Didn't God tell us to not touch the unclean things? Have you done some serious research and seen what is in those things. Who are you going to trust and obey? So is it ok to inject unclean things? Hmm...


Sure its not about do this! We are not to become puppets but should on the contrary make conscious decisions given that we have the Scriptures otherwise we will be living on the words of men rather than the word of God! Let everyone sit down with the Scriptures and find for themselves the word of God! Prove all things, hold to that is true!!..


Excellent point Nader. Anything that is not of faith is sin so what we do, we ought to have faith. Like David say, Who can tell what the Lord will do? Our job is to have faith and trust the Lord with the outcome. Praise God. Recently bit by a tick which has caused great pain and paralysis.... shall we say I had not faith? why the tick came upon me. For this I am excited to see what the Lord will do it.... the centurion had faith in the word of God that it had power in itself... yes the tricky language of the wicked heart... God can do anything to protect His children. Amen.


so what about Revelations 18:23…

A strong Angel reached for a boulder—huge, like a millstone—and heaved it into the sea, saying, Heaved and sunk, the great city Babylon, sunk in the sea, not a sign of her ever again. Silent the music of harpists and singers— you’ll never hear flutes and trumpets again. Artisans of every kind—gone; you’ll never see their likes again. The voice of a millstone grinding falls dumb; you’ll never hear that sound again. The light from lamps, never again; never again laughter of bride and groom. Her traders robbed the whole earth blind, and by black-magic arts deceived the nations. The only thing left of Babylon is blood— the blood of saints and prophets, the murdered and the martyred.


"will be slain by the needle"... yeah exactly. I think the same. I have faith and I apply what my faith says. Avoid stupid comportments and be prudent like foxes.
