Animals That Asked People for Help & Kindness | Best Moments of Spring !

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You can always tell what kind of person someone is by the way they treat animals. Today we’ll show you the most incredible compilation of animals that asked people for help & kindness and dramatically changed their fates. And then it’s up to you to decide if you still believe in humanity!

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Man the fact that people made a prothese leg for the handicapped elephant is next level wholesome


It makes me so happy when an animal trusts a human and the human doesn't let it down 😢


I once gave cpr to a baby kitten. It was the weakest one, too weak to feed on its own and compete with the others so I fed it with a syringe. The next morning I found it dead but still warm so I blew in its mouth and gave little chest compressions totally thinking it would never work. Then it woke up. I was so happy and amazed that it worked


Anyone who has saved an animal has my gratitude.


Don't you just wish we lived in a world full of people like this, no warmongering politicians, no greed, no jealousy just decent human beings who enjoy life and enjoy helping luck to every last one of .


There is a guy in, I think, Kenya? who rented a water truck and paid to fill it with water at least three times a week and take it into a drought-stricken preserve and release it into dried out water areas so local animals would survive. He was never once attacked, and all animals patiently waited their turn, predator and prey alike. It didn't take long for them to come to know him, and to know both not to be afraid of him and not to attack the person saving their lives. I think he owns a few water trucks of his own now and doesn't have to rent anymore, thanks to a GoFundMe.


Imagine how great the planet could be if all humans had humanity like these people.


Thank you, to each one that helped. I believe firmly that is the only reason we are here. To help others.


I was a rescue & wildlife rehabber for many years. The one thing that amazed as well as disappointed me was how many times people would say 'dont waste your time, just shoot it.' I never did.


I love that the love and respect for all creatures knows no international boundaries. People of all the world are rescuing these helpless animals and it warms my heart. God looks favorably on the humanity of humans. It makes me feel so happy.


The worker that moved the birds nest. What a sweet man. Well, they're all kind ppl but he is literally risking his life to protect a few birds. Love him.


Videos like these give me back all the faith of lost in humanity every time I see them. Thank you so much!!


With regards to the woman in open sandals rescuing the koala... once I was driving past an area of bush which had been ravaged by fire ....the fire had been out for days but there were still tendrils of smoke evident... I decided to wander into the bush area to take a it turned out it had to be a quick photo as the earth was still incredibly hot even though I had trainers on. That woman must have been in agony.


The old man with cigar rescuing the dog from an alligator, that man must have served or grew up around gators or both, I salute him.


All of these rescuers are heroes in my book. From the smallest to the largest animals where rescued by amazing people. All of you deserve the very best wishes. Thank you for being there for these animals. 🥰


Every animal I’ve ever had was a rescue! I was 9 years old when I found a little black and white kitten. I brought it inside, fed and watered it, then, begged my parents, “Can I keep it, please?” She lived for 18 long years with me!! Then, a couple years later, I found a pregnant dog at our back door, took her in and fed her, gave her plenty of water, named her Martha and again, begged my parents to keep her! They gave in, but I had to find homes for all her 12 puppies. I did, but I managed to keep the runt of the litter, Mackey, which I had bottle fed. These were my childhood rescues. I’ve always taken in dogs and cats that needed me! Most recently, I took a cat from a man who was getting married and his fiancé hated cats and made him get rid of his cats! So, I gratefully, took one of them and would’ve taken the other cat, but I didn’t know she was up for grabs. I still worry about her (Moosh Mooshy, a beautiful Siamese with gorgeous blue eyes)! I’d thought he was keeping her, but he just threw her out and moved!! I hate to see people do that!!!


Very inspiring to see good-hearted people still exist on this planet


I had the privilege of rescuing a 3 day old squirrel whose nest of its mother fell out of a tree in a storm. I worked in a group home for teens that for a reason cannot stay in their old home. From the living room window, we watched a rare thunderstorm w/ terrible lightening, wind & rain passing through Los Angeles. A sudden gust of wind blew the squirrel's nest out of the top of a palm tree. As it fell, we saw 2 tiny things fall out of the nest before it hit the ground. One landed on the grass, the other landed on the sidewalk. We went out to see they were such tiny, little babies, they were smaller than the egg of a chicken. The baby on the grass started chirping, and the mother came down & brought the nest back up in the tree. She then came down for the one chirping in the grass. But even after several minutes the mother squirrel never came back for the one on the sidewalk. We feared it was dead. So I went & looked, and I could see it was alive, but in shock from the cold, the rain, & hitting the cement. It had a small nose-bleed as well. I went inside for a freshly washed & dried pillowcase in the hope that if I placed it at the bottom of the tree, I would have no "human scent" on the baby & she'd take it back. I took my "kids" to lunch, expecting the baby to be rescued by the mother when we return. To my total shock, the baby squirrel was not wrapped up in the pillowcase, but it was at the front door of our group home. The pillowcase was still under the tree. The baby squirrel was still unconscious, although the nosebleed stopped. Apparently, the mother squirrel placed her injured baby outside our door! But why? In part, one reason might be that whenever I had some stale bread in the kitchen, I broke it up into smaller pieces & threw it out on the lawn near the palm tree for the birds & squirrels. The kids like to watch what animals would come by. So the squirrel had to know me from leaving food out there. I thought, "Now what should I do?"
I knew a Veterinarian nearby, so I wrapped up the baby in a warm hand towel & brought it to the Vet. He examined it & said that she's (yes, he said it's a girl!) in shock & dehydrated b/c she hasn't nursed in 6 or 7 hours, and her body temp was dangerously low. She's bruised from the fall, so we need to take X-rays to see if anything is broken, or if there's internal bleeding. Everything was OK inside, now we had to warm her up & re-hydrate her. He said she's about 3 days old, and that her eyes will open in another 7 days or so. I asked him what's wrong w/ her tail? It's less than 1 inch long, & no fluffy fur. He said she doesn't need a tail when that young, but as she grows, it'll be the fasted thing that grows on a baby squirrel. As we chatted, he wrote a lot of notes down & told me that here's how to make her formula: 1st get a can of Bitches Milk...(I immediately burst out laughing b/c he said "bitches milk", thinking he was kidding!) Nope, he said. Good pet supply stores sell it, but it's not usually real bitches milk (and bitches is the real medical term for a female canine, or dog). He continued, "We have cans here, nurse, can you get us a can of milk, a small bottle of vitamin drops & an eyedropper? David, you'll need to get this Gerber baby food from any grocery store. Here is the recipe for the mixture. Blend it all together & keep it in a sealed container, in the fridge. Every 2 to 4 hrs, you need to warm up the formula to your body temperature, and fill the eyedropper to this line. Put this in front of her mouth & let her suckle at her own rate. Don't force her to drink. But how do I warm it up to body temp? He said fill this test-tube, put the cap on it & place it under your armpit until it feels as warm as your arm pit. And you can keep her warm w/ a water-bottle in a bath towel. keep the water-bottle at body temp. So I told the Doc, I'm assuming you are assuming that I'm going to nurse her back to health & release her, right? OH NO! he said. She'll be dead in about 5 hours. In a week, she'll open her eyes & the 1st thing she'll see it YOU. Congratulations, your her new mother. She will imprint you as her mother for life. There's nothing you can do to stop it. It's their instinct. You cannot reverse instinct. She'll know you by voice, scent, your movement, your clothes. She'll learn to come to you when you call her. She'll seek you out if she gets frightened of something, and she'll run right up your jeans & shirt and either wrap around your neck, or jump in your shirt like a little joey into its mother's kangaroo pouch! She ended up preferring my shirt pocket. Doc said she'll listen for your heartbeat, your breathing, your talking, your body temp, etc. So after about a week of 2 to 4 hours of feeding around the clock, her eyes opened and she'd almost always keep her head up looking, staring right at my face. When I walked around, she'd turn around to see where we were going. She started to climb up to my shoulder, but as soon as she heard a loud noise, she'd bolt back down to my pocket, or as she grew to big to fit, she'd dive in my shirt, so I had to wear undershirts w/ my button-down shirts. If she got too warm, it was up on the shoulders, or even sometimes, the top of my head! I taught her a little kissing sound was me calling her to come to me. As her confidence grew, she'd climb down my leg to explore her world when the house was quiet (when the kids were in school). The kids loved her. Eventually, she'd gradually interact w/ some of the kids. She would not let anyone touch her but me, & when they tried to pick her up, she'd squeal like a stuck pig. So the kids learned that really fast. She never bit anyone, and she lived to be 12 yrs old. Doc said in the wild, she'd be lucky to live to 6 yrs. She was an eastern tree fox squirrel. They were introduced into California 100 yrs ago in an attempt to reduce the population of the native grey squirrels, which carry fleas, which is how they can carry the plague (from infected fleas). And there are 3 or 4 other diseased ground squirrels can transmit. Not tree squirrels, though. Since they live in the trees, they only come down for an occasional acorn, maybe some fruit, they love avocados. Since there are no documented cases of a tree squirrel ever transmitting anything to a human, my Vet says she needs NO vaccines (and this was from 20 yrs before COVID, so no conspiracy theories, please.
She lived a full life. I took her everywhere...she never tried to run away. Never had a leash, no collar...she never went more than 3 feet from me outside the home. She really didn't like it outside. The noise was overstimulating for her. When outside, she was always inside my shirt or jacket, and either poked her head out to look at something, or she'd leave her big bushy tail sticking out of my shirt, or my collar, like a big furry question mark "?" which was her camouflage device to hide under from predators up above (hawks, eagles). She loved riding in the car. She'd lay flat on top of my headrest w/ her arms & legs hanging down like she was hugging it, w/ her head pointing towards the window looking out. And WOW, did WE get some strange looks from other cars. She'd also like laying down behind the back seats on that flat space at the rear window. She sunbathed back there. Drivers behind my car would freak out when they saw her move, because animals like her use their perfect lack of motion as a defense. So they thought she was a stuffed toy or something. Then she'd move and OMG, they'd freak.
One thing to remember is to never try to pick up a squirrel b/c they can bite off a finger in 1 bite. They have to chew on wood because the teeth grow. And they look orange or brown b/c her teeth have iron as well as calcium, but they need to gnaw on wood to keep them from growing too much or they can bite the roof of their mouth. Also, their nails are so sharp...I had to trim her nails every 3-4 wks b/c they are so sharp, she can dig in right thru to your flesh...even thru jeans! I still miss her. She used to sit w/ me watching TV. She'd lay on my thigh, flatten her body. Her tail would lay flat (no puffy fur when relaxed), and she'd love it if I gently rubbed her ears w/ my fingers. She was just like my dogs. They loved their ears rubbed. Oh, and when I had a Dalmatian, she would let the squirrel lay on top of her when the dog was taking a nap. She'd nap on the dog that was napping. Sometimes, she would be on the dog's back as the dog walked around the house.
And that's our true lives of David & Herbi (her name is for a whole, different story, but yes, her name was really Herbi).


I love that a prosthesis was made for an elelphant. The elephant knew how to use it. Wonderful!


Kudos to each and everyone who helps animals. This was so touching. I rescued a drowning sparrow he's 7 now!
