Tang Ing Wei - TAMING SYSTEM WITH PYTHON: A Sysadmin perspective - PyCon Indonesia 2017

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This is a sharing about a sysadmin's daily experience on how to tame the bewilderment among Mac, Linux and Windows by using python. The speaker will give a general overview of various tools that can be used for system administrator and the interaction between three different OSes, using an example of how the speaker solves the printing issues between Mac and Linux, when the printer driver is only available for windows.

Tang Ing Wei:
I am a lead system engineer and system administrator for ROKKI Avionics Sdn. Bhd, a subsidiary of AirAsia. My experience with python is still at infant stage, but I enjoy using python in my daily life. My biggest achievement in my job is to convince a senior flight to change an avionics module that is worth of a Ferrari by using my python parser - a parser that parses the raw data coming out from the avionics bus.
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