ONE SPECIES - A stirring take on climate change from Isaac Asimov

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Why should we care about climate change? It’s not just an existential threat to be overcome, it’s an opportunity for humans to unite around a common cause. Sci-fi author Isaac Asimov knew this in the 80’s. It’s time we took his advice.

Featuring original footage shot across multiple continents over 4 years, with additional content from NASA and my 2017 National Geographic show ORIGINS.

mp3 coming soon.

Created by John D. Boswell / Melodysheep

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No autotune here - Asimov's words felt much more powerful spoken raw. Enjoy everyone! Track is now up on my soundcloud page.


It would be amazing if Melodysheep or anyone was able to purchase advertisement time on TV stations and run things like this. No motivations of selling a product or advertising a brand behind, just run these like it is in this video. It wouldn't be a magic bullet to solve a lot of the problems but at least it may open some eyes and give a point of view that many have remained in the dark about throughout their lives along an avenue they pay very close attention to. At the very least it would be better than hearing about the new Coke or Pepsi product again for the hundredth time in a days span.


The idea that humanity will survive no matter what is stupid, it would be like me saying "I've never died so I never will in the future". We as a species must band together to save ourselves from our own destruction.


This hit me harder than I thought it would.

One species. One unit.

Gonna sound like Cerberus but...

Humanity first.


i wish i was filthy rich. i would buy commercial air time and have this playing 10 times a day, on all major news networks in the US for weeks on end.


I think there is many things in this video that everyone around the nation and global need to hear right now.

We are all the same and we are all in this together for better or for worse. It is up to all of us together to try and make this pale blue dot a better place for all!

Thank you MelodySheep for one of your best video yet!


Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this powerful melody backing up Isaac Asimov's brilliance. His writings and teachings need to be remembered and passed along to our kids. There are so many important ideas and quotes he has given us. One of my favorites, "The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom."


I love everything Melodysheep does!!!!


So it's been almost 2 years since the last symphony of science... how bout a new one?


Sometimes i wish the world wasn't about money all the time, but it is. Its hard to help the environment as a single person. This world do not know how to stand together. Everything is about money. We need the companies to go first and think about our nature. I never believed in super heroes, but this is the time i really wished we had one. I'm not affiliated in the world we are creating for our future children. This is embarrassing. We had a chance to stop all of this but we are letting them go. And to all the people that says the nature is developing the right way, please dig your grave faster than we already are doing, we can use you as manure. Sorry for my bad english, im from Denmark. Great video as always!


MELODYSHEEP! It's been forever since I've seen a video from you guy(s)/gal(s).... never stop what you do. The species needs outlets like this, which are entertaining, emotional, and show reality for what it is. We need these types of videos...


Been a subscriber since 'A glorious dawn'. I was a 12 back then and didn't speak english that well, then I came back and watched all of your videos again and dahm they are sooo inspiring. Just like this one, absolutely love it!


"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived."
Isaac Asimov


You knocked it out of the park with this one, MelodySheep! Keep it up!


This still gives me goosebumps. Also One Species was in my Spotify 2019 wrap up ❤


This is just incredible. A much needed message.


After finding the melodysheep, I can no longer watch any other channels on YouTube, they just no longer match my high standards.
❤️ Thank you very much MelodySheep ❤️


if you're gonna make the earth an inhospitable wasteland the least you could do is properly fund space exploration.


If we don't put aside our enmities and bound together we will die.


GOD, this is so beautiful!

(After watching it) I WANT
