Sen. Cotton on a skills-based immigration policy

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Senator Tom Cotton, R-Arkansas, sits down with Face the Nation host John Dickerson and discusses the false alarm in Hawaii and the immigration meeting President Trump hosted earlier this week.
"Face the Nation" is the number one Sunday morning public affairs program. The broadcast is one of the longest-running news programs in the history of television, having premiered on CBS on Nov. 7, 1954. John Dickerson is the host of "Face the Nation". He also serves as Political Director for CBS News and is a contributor to Slate magazine and its podcast The Political Gabfest. Guests include government leaders, politicians, and international figures in the news. "Face the Nation" airs Sunday mornings. Check local listings for "Face the Nation" broadcast times.
"Face the Nation" is the number one Sunday morning public affairs program. The broadcast is one of the longest-running news programs in the history of television, having premiered on CBS on Nov. 7, 1954. John Dickerson is the host of "Face the Nation". He also serves as Political Director for CBS News and is a contributor to Slate magazine and its podcast The Political Gabfest. Guests include government leaders, politicians, and international figures in the news. "Face the Nation" airs Sunday mornings. Check local listings for "Face the Nation" broadcast times.
Sen. Cotton on a skills-based immigration policy
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Tom Cotton, U.S. Senator from Arkansas | Biography
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November 19, 2017: Sen. Tom Cotton joins Face the Nation
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Newsmaker Clip: Sen. Tom Cotton Discusses H-1B Program
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Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) in conversation with David Axelrod