Dax - ' A Real Man' (Official Music Video)

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[LYRICS BELOW] “A Real Man” is my favorite song I’ve ever written and a story I think needs to be told. I’m praying it opens up the bridge of communication and reaches everyone who needs it. I wholeheartedly believe in this one. Share this with everyone and anyone and let’s make an IMPACT with music for the people spread by the people. Love y’all. Thank you.

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Follow DAX: @ thatsdax
Directed by: Logan Meis
Produced by: Backnine Z & Lex Nour Beats

#realman #Dax #masculinity #manhood #relationships #masculine #men


Yeah she says she wants a real man
One who opens up the door holds her hand
And still smiles when he feels bad
In control of his emotions
Wears his heart on his sleeve
but don’t get mad
One who gives her all his time
Puts his dreams to the side
And gets a real bag
Yeah she says she wants a real man
But what she wants is not for real man

Realest story ever told
can’t have a man who’s
making money always home
Heart like a truck
that’s why he’s always on the road
providing everything you need
to live the life you say you want
Can’t have a man who wears
his heart on a sleeve
that won’t rip once a while at the seams
Especially if you never take the time
To look into his eyes
And hear him when he silently screams

Yeah she says she wants a real man
One who opens up the door holds her hand
And still smiles when he feels bad
In control of his emotions
Wears his heart on his sleeve
but don’t get mad
One who gives her all his time
Puts his dreams to the side
And gets a real bag
Yeah she says she wants a REAL MAN
But what she wants is not for REAL MAN

That Disney movie that she wanted
Was a dream and not reality
or something that she got
She put that man up on a pedestal
Discards him when she
found out he was human then he dropped
He’s not perfect
But oh he tries
To live up to her beautiful lie
But as time goes by
He’ll realize
The man he once knew
on the inside him died

Yeah she says she wants a real man
One who opens up the door holds her hand
And still smiles when he feels bad
In control of his emotions
Wears his heart on his sleeve
but don’t get mad
One who gives her all his time
Puts his dreams to the side
And gets a real bag
Yeah she says she wants a REAL MAN
But what she wants is not for REAL MAN

Love is patient
Love is kind
Can be evil and also blind
God made man then said in life
He’ll find good things
When he finds his wife
So as a real man broken and confused
Struggling not knowing what to do
He dove to the bottom of the bottle
Drowned in his sorrows
And prayed one day she would rescue
By stop pointing out all his mistakes
Be the place he felt safe
To express the emotions
The world said he can’t
He’s the rock that she needs
But she hammers away
At the love that he has
Like she wants it to break
Despite all of the pain
He twisted and changed
Trying to become
the whole picture she paints
Till she woke up one day
Said she’s walking away
Looked him dead in the face
and then screamed

That she says she wants a real man
One who opens up the door holds her hand
And still smiles when he feels bad
In control of his emotions
Wears his heart on his sleeve
but don’t get mad
One who gives her all his time
Puts his dreams to the side
And gets a real bag
Yeah she says she wants a REAL MAN
But what she wants is not for REAL MAN


If you made it this deep in the post, you’re a real one. To be honest, this is my favorite song I’ve ever written. That says a lot. The opportunity to open up the lines of communication between people is something that truly excites me and I’m excited for the discussion that will follow this video and song. All your support is appreciated, and not taken for granted. Thank you all for continuing to allow me to use my platform to make an impact with music for the people spread by the people. I promise to continue to put all my effort and resources into creating pieces we can all be proud of that will become the soundtrack to our lives. LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE and let’s continue to spark to minds and be the change we wish to see in the world. Much love.
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This is my favorite song I’ve ever written and a story that needs to be told. I truly believe this song has to ability to create UNDERSTANDING. Let’s make an IMPACT! LIKE, COMMENT, DISCUSS and let’s SHARE with everyone and anyone. Love you all and I’m praying this reaches those who need to hear and see it. This is music FOR THE PEOPLE spread BY THE PEOPLE…

NOW streaming on all streaming



I built my life around my wife and what we had, we tried for a baby and thought she was pregnant and instead she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She started passing away on July 4th and passed at 1am on July 5th. I’ve been lost ever since and this time of year always wants me up. 😢😢 this song brought me to tears and idk what I need to stop this pain that’s been lasting for years. Idk who reading this, but it helps a bit to get it out.


I cannot belive this is Dax! I thought it was a country singer


To my Dad,
Thank you for everything. I really meant it. Thank you for providing me everything. giving me more than I deserve. Motivating me to be a better person. Thank you for all that hard work. I PROMISE YOU, I will succeed in my life, earn a lot, and spoil you. Just like how you did. Thank you, papa...I love you! now and forever!
If I get to be someone's daughter in the next life, know that you deserve that place only. If it's not you then no one.
Thank you for everything! I love you much papa...!



Working 60hr weeks, single father to a 3yr old angel, lost over 70kg (155lbs), had to fight tooth and nail to get 50/50, living back at home, and slowly dying on the inside. Feeling like one step forward, 8 steps back, but i keep going through the motions. Not for myself, but for my little girl.
Thanks Dax. I really needed that good cry. Keep pumping out these tracks. You are helping, and making a difference.

If any other blokes are reading this message, there is hope. Just keep fighting.
If any ladies are reading this, give your a hug, and say it'll be ok. We really do need it.


Finally a real song about one of many struggles men go through


I don't think most are listening to the actual lyrics of this song they just hear the first couple lyrics from silly TikToks.. this is some real ish! Great song!


Can we just acknowledge that men are humans too? Just like women. We are all trying our hardest to survive and live in this world. Creating division and hate between us will only bring more chaos and hate.

Men and women are trying their best to provide for themselves, their families and everyday needs.My dad used to work so much I barely see him. My single mom works two jobs to provide for me and my brother.

It's pointless to compare which gender/sex is better. All those men vs women video are pointlessly causing more hate and competitiveness between us. In the end we are just trying to get through this life.


Working two full-time jobs, and my wife still asked for a divorce, and this song hit hard and brought me to my knees in tears.


All you ever hear about is the problems women go through and men are privileged. Thanks for being a voice for the voiceless brother…


Im sure a lot of women and men can agree with me. We want a man who is happy and content and to tell us when he's not. Just communicating and listening could save so many relationships. We get so caught up in the chaos that we dont realize we do not need the best of the best of material things. Real love, and hard work will give u what u need and want in time. Im sorry for any man out there that feels this pressure and this weight on their shoulders. It shouldnt be yours to bare alone. ❤


Man, as a woman, I'm actually so happy that men got their own song that really cuts deep and connects to them and their struggles in a very real way.

I often feel that in music, women get catered to a lot, especially with a lot of modern pop music on the radio, and so I'm glad this is here to help balance it out, because men need to be heard too.

I'm glad to see all the men who feel glad to be heard.

I feel for the men who relate to this song in one way or another.

I'm happy that there are other women here showing their gratitude for their fathers, brothers, and husbands, and all that they've suffered for them.

I hope to see more of this shift in society of actually appreciating men for all that they do gain more momentum, and I hope to see more songs and other such media that speak to the unique struggles that men face, just as us women have gotten that.

I don't think it should be a game of either/ or.

Both men and women struggle in different ways, and we should highlight both, speak on both, and be able to discuss the issues in a mature manner without taking from one another.

We need to stop fighting one another and recognize the struggle of humanity in each other.

Because it's always there no matter what.

For both of us.

And that should bring us together, not tear us apart.

So here's to you, all the men who work hard, and do so much for us and society. 🍻


This song reminds me of my dad Always a provider and listened to a 12 year old me rant, left the hospital for a 26 year old me to walk me down the aisle, brought a 32 year old me McDonald’s after I gave birth, dropped everything when my car broke down and walked to buy a new battery for a 40 year old me. Never believed in the word “step” dad, just dad. S.I.P.


Done!! This song is FIRE. I introduced this song to my wife. She was abused, mentally and physically, by her ex for 11 years. I have her now, married her and going on for 9 years in September of 2024. I adopted her autistic son, and daughter, and God blessed us with a babygirl. Now we're FAMILY. Their dad gave up on em. It's been tough, but I will not walk out on them. I'm not the best, but I do my best for them. I work 12 to 14 hours, and still find time for them. For Heavanly fathers and fathers still living, Happy Father's Day!!


Everytime someone like this comment, i will get a notification and comeback to listen this masterpiece.😊


My father, an African man, was a great Dad. He made sure we prayed and sang avery morning and he was always there in the evening to talk to us. His entire life was dedicated to provide, protect and love us. It brakes my heart when some women demonise all men. He was my hero and may God bless all men who sacrifice their lives for their families ❤.


This isn't music anymore. It's poetry and therapy in a video.


I'm crying right when the lyric "he's the rock she needs, but she hammers away at the love he has like she wants it to break." Dax, thank you for another real, natural song about us men. Demons run when good men go to war, but angels will cry when our swords are broken by the ones we love and fight for.


This song makes me appreciate everything that my husband does for me and our baby boy, he sacrifices his sleep, his time and at times his dreams to keep us nourished and happy! Can't imagine my life without him.


A real man is hardworking man who provides for his family and makes sure they have all they need. But we as women need to realize that if they are out there doing that we need to be working just as hard whether it's at a job or a stay at home mom. We need to show our men that we know they are real men and take care of them the same way they are taking care of us. I have damn good man who works hard everyday and you best believe that when he comes home his dinner is ready for him the house is clean and his clothes are washed. I work too but his job is way harder than mine. We need to start showing the real men that we appreciate him and understand that sometimes u have to be happy with just sitting at home with him relaxing instead of going out cuz he's tired
