Worst Detail But Best Runner | Bachmann Class V3 | Unboxing & Review

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0:00 Intro
3:35 Unboxing
6:34 Class History
7:30 Detailing
13:00 Mechanism
15:21 Performance
18:55 Haulage Testing
22:58 Ratings
26:26 Conclusion
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"Low cost beginners model", funny you should say that, this was my first OO gauge loco.


Thanks for all the effort you put in to your reviews and other videos.


I'm a big fan of the slightly older post split chassis bachmann engines, to me the detail is still passable and you don't have to worry about things breaking and falling off every time you pick them up like on some of hornby's engines, I'll concede the mechanisms aren't exactly cutting edge but in my experience they've alway been reliable runners. And finally, there's always bargains up for grabs on the second hand market. That being said I would never buy a brand new locomotive from bachmann in this day and age but with prices being what they are I'm not really buying much new from manufacturers at all anyways :p


Looking at the title of this video, you've done similar titles in the past so viewers can brave themselves with what tge review will be like. I like the idea of future reviews having a brief few word summary in the video title as that is something I personally enjoy with my YT watching experience


Dear Sam,
I did enjoy your review of the updated Bachmann V1/3 2-6-2 Tank loco.
When the new model came out, I asked Bachmann if they were going to bring out a LNER Black version as well. They said no. So I asked if the old body would fit the new chassis. They said as the new chassis was a complete Retooling, it would not fit the old body. I had hoped they would bring out a new version of the LNER black one.
My local model shop still had some of the new V3 models in stock. So I bought one and to see if it would fit the old body. I test fitted the old body on the new chassis and low and behold it fitted like a glove. All the screw holes matched up. I have been able to restore all my V1's with new chassis having bought two more of the new models to use the chassis to replace the broken axels. My Fleet of V1's 466, 448 and 2911. I think the earlier body was much better than the new one.


Well, a nice candidate for a retooling... At a discount price, no more than GBP 50, it can be acceptable. Bachmann pushes the use of their outdated mold to the end, I hope they will not do another run of this antique. The chassis is very nice, and the drivetrain more than decent, they just have to add a flywheel to have something at the top. The reverse of a shelf queen : ugly, but pulls hard.
As a small tank engine, Bachmann did a very decent MR 0-4-4 recently, they can take it as a pattern for a retooling of this one. They have the chassis, they just need to retool the body.


Yes, I owned a couple of those getting on for 20 years ago-similar in vintage to the venerable Class N, still in production, which I also own.


looking at the diagrams on the paperwork it has the same set up as the 94xx with a pre-fitted sugar cube speaker


22:15 Aw yeah, there's my boy J50! What a treat. Great review as always, Sam.


Yes I have this model. Was a present so can't comment on price but it is a good runner. Detail is a bit crap, especially the cab but at least it's quite an enclosed cab so it's not too bad. Sticking a driver in the window would improve the model


I've just had a thought, you should run your single wheel coaches with your John bull or lafayette loco, i bet they would match quite well. Any update on motorising the lafayatte. Great job Sam 👍


Got the old V3 which still runs OK. Presumably much of the mechanism for the new V3 will be from the new V2 mechanism. Looking forward to your review of a V2.


Bachmann making a good mechanism??? That's rare


Good review Sam. I'd be interested to see a review of the newer Bachmann Ivatt 2-6-2 if you ever got your hands on one, as I feel it's a very similar story, ie; a rather old body with a brand new chassis.

I have both the split chassis and new chassis Ivatt 2-6-2's and have to admit the new one is an absolute pleasure to run due to the superior running, despite the dated detail on the body.


Great review & appropriate title Sam. Comes down to personal choice as you stated & I way prefer a decent mechanism and weight in a loco over detail any day. Wouldn’t pay 130GBP though ($240AUD) but maybe 95GBP


Sam, another good review. When I watched this review, I thought at first I was watching a repeat of your 52xx review. Virtually all the comments on detail, mechanism, price, performance are extremely similar! It seems Hornby and Bachmann are putting prices up significantly for lower detail models.

Having said that, no I would not buy this engine with the visibly poor moulding on top of the boiler.

Thanks for another excellent review.


Hi Sam, I have been watching your reviews and I won't buy Bachmann products now...maybe that's a bit extreme but in general it seems they don't hold up to your scrutiny. I have recently bought 10 Hornby locomotives including 2 train packs based on your reviews so thanks for doing this, it makes such a difference to see the product in detail before buying. I live in Canada so I can't just go down to the local shop and check it out myself, they don;t sell OO here, so your reviews are invaluable to me. I'm very grateful for your channel, keep up the good work!


This is an old 1990s loco . I think I got mine 92 or 93 . Mine is the old split chassis version but she still runs ok, admittedly she doesn’t see a lot of use . I actually think it’s not a bad model . It successfully captures the look of the loco and I think is still passable . How many people look in the cab? You are correct though Bachmann charge top rate for all their models . I think they have to pay Kader to make the models


A good runner like this is a useful replacement for an old Tri-ang or Hornby layout loco which has seen its best days! To avoid sticking problems, I would do the run-in before performing the slow speed test. If you don't do the run-in first, particularly if the loco has plastic cogs, you can give the loco a permanent limp! Thanks for uploading.


might get one of those, seen as "mechanism" is good the two hornby L1s....which are very nice and god runners....
