Announcement to end DACA sparks protests

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The claim they want to work and contribute to the U.S., but they've still got time to hold a protest? I didn't know there are jobs being a protestor.


Most of these kids that are going to be affected by ending DACA were born here and have lived here all their lives or came here when they were very little. If Trump were to send them home, they'd have no home to go back to. Why can't people just show some compassion for once? Don't forget that if you're white and you live in America, you're a descendant of illegal immigrants, as well. Our ancestors inflicted so many horrors upon Native Americans, none of you have any right to be complaining about immigrants. Why don't you go out and try to befriend some Mexican people? You might discover that they are good people if you all weren't so busy being extremely judgmental of people you've never met. This is what is wrong with America, there seem to be no Americans left who have any sort of compassion whatsoever.
