6 Metronome Hacks That Will Change Your Drumming

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The fastest way to get faster on drums:

Practicing to a metronome not only turns you into a precise drumming machine, but it helps you improve your sense of internal time so that even when you aren’t playing to a click, you’ll still be spot on.

All you need is patience and a simple metronome (we used this free one from Google) to revolutionize the way you play the drums:

00:00 Introduction

00:50 Change the subdivision
If you’re practicing at slower tempos, a quarter note click is going to have a lot of space between each pulse. Double the tempo of your click track (for example, from 60 BPM to 120 BPM) to get more reference points. It’s much easier to play along this way and there’s less room for error.

01:57 Outline the subdivision
If you can have the click line up with every subdivision – for example, every 8th note in a fill or groove – you’ll lock in even tighter. Try playing a shuffle with 8th note triplets at 70 BPM. Now triple the tempo (210 BPM) so every hit of each triplet is emphasized. Doing this gives you more reference points to grab onto.

03:25 Play to a static click track
Rather than adjusting the click to what you’re playing, adjust what you’re playing to the click. Let’s say you put on a metronome at 75 BPM. Switch between rudiments and their respective subdivisions, like single stroke rolls with 8th notes, 16th notes, and 16th note triplets. You don’t need to be on a kit to practice this; as long as you have a pad or a pillow, you’re golden.

05:12 Displace the click
For an intermediate/advanced practice tool that’ll really help you lock in your sense of time, assign the click to a different position within the subdivision. We’re used to hearing a pulse on every quarter note (ONE and TWO and THREE and FOUR and). But why not shift the click by an 8th note so it falls on the off beats? (one AND two AND three AND four AND). Since it might throw you off at first, get used to listening to it on its own before you sit down on the kit. Once you’ve mastered this, you can try putting the pulse on the Es or the As as well, or on triplet partials.

06:46 Interpret the click as a grouping
This one is more difficult, but it’s worth it. Most drummers only have a quarter note reference but this exercise will help you learn to internalize different pulses by interpreting the click as an odd note grouping. You’ll get better at internalizing polyrhythmic pulses, improve your internal clock, and create implied metric modulation. Think of grouping three 16th notes, so instead of hearing the pulse on every quarter note, the pulse sounds like this: ONE e and A two e AND a three E and a FOUR e and A. Really listen to how the click outlines every three note grouping. With this implied metric modulation, it’s a great way to practice moving between a quarter note click and an odd note grouping click.

09:47 Create a click trainer
Like the first hack in reverse, leave more space in between each click. Quarter the tempo so you only hear a click on the first beat of each bar. This will test your internal clock and expose where you tend to rush or drag. It’s a humbling exercise, that’s for sure!

Hopefully these hacks will make metronome practice more interesting and challenging while giving you a new sense of confidence in your drumming. The best part? They really work!

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Yes, I run through single and double stroke pyramids at 60bpm from 1/4 notes through to 32nd note subdivisions including 5's and 7's... 15mins in total 8mins up, then 7 back down. Really great for practicing switching between subdivisions.


Hi Drumeo you guys have helped me rock so much better.


One thing I learned about practicing timing (thanks to Tony Royster Jr.): How would you know you're hitting exactly on time? You don't hear the click.


Thank you for all of your helpful videos. They sure have helped me as a percussionist


I do the click trainer exercises with my students. Really helps build their confidence.


Hey Brandon, cool video. Another cool thing is to go through "The Table Of Time" with a quarter note click, from Half notes up to 32nd note triplets. Using singles, doubles & single paradiddles, both right hand lead, then left hand lead. The odd numbered subdivisions like 5's, 7's, 9's & 11's really take some concentration, but is worth the effort in learning them.


Great video! This will add a new dimension to my practice sessions.

The odd timing was particularly interesting, but all if them are great methods!


Super Merci ( Coup de coeur pour le N° 4 ) !!!!


These were useful hacks. The static one was really interesting.


These are great hacks! I like the last one with creating dead space as a way to do a self check on your time. Also, I've always played around with trying to float around the metroGNOME....it is a simple way to make practice more enjoyable for sure. Great video as always!


I like how confident you are now in these lessons. :D And can totally see that your skill has improved greatly! Thanks for the lesson!


Best presenter/speaker in all of Drumeo!


Wow. That was pretty great! I've heard about and thought about moving the beat around within the beat, but never considered doing it within the measure. I'll definitely have to try this in performance.


Could you please make a separate 10 minute video about "Interpret the click as a grouping". I think it need a bit more love :) Thanks!


I've used the 3rd hack a lot of times. It helps a lot.


Good stuff! I was working on metronome practice with one of my private students the other day, and I used some of these same ideas.


I have been building on thr static click idea for a while. There is always a tendacy with practicing to speed up and loose technique. So in my mind static click builds on your technique, which can the be applied to faster tempos.


Bro. Thank you. This filled in some practice gaps/problems I've been having.


Brandon thanks again for suggesting these great tips🔥
Love from india❤️🎉


Great, helpful advice . . . as always from Drumeo and Brandon Toews. Thank you!!!
