NeverWet Arrives - Hands-On Product Demonstration

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Firstly, I'd like to say I was amazed by this commercial and couldn't wait to buy it.  Second thought, NeverWet to me sounds like an awfully impossible goal to achieve, since the word 'never' implies that the product should forever be a defense against water.  After purchasing, and following the directions, I simply conducted a test using similar plastic containers shown in the video.  I followed their directions on the cans, and as a professional painter, I also conducted a test sanding the surface of the plastic with 220 grit paper, and using the 24-hour cure rule between coats.  With each container, I simply placed water in the containers.  Worked amazingly.  For the first set, used as directed, the water began to break down the NeverWet barrier after 5 uses - meaning, had water in the container, left it for 10 minutes or so, then simply poured it out...repeat.  What happened was a hazy film started to crystalize on the top of the water, which acted similarly to when one puts oil in water.  After I saw this, as a professional painter, I know it is harmful to our environment and our water systems to be flushing or throwing chemically contaminated water down the drains.  I had to pour the majority of it into cat liter, and throw that away, which is still not a perfect idea.  The second set of containers, broke down no more than 8 uses each in the same fashion.  This time, however, I used a small taclon artist's brush to move the water around in the container and it scraped the product off the plastic.  After this occurred, I wondered, why a company would show a few hundred dollar phone treated with their product knowing that some layman would do this to his phone...and use as shown...perhaps it works once or twice, but once that barrier breaks down and destroys the components of his phone, he would certainly be in the right to go after a claim.  I also thought that if somebody sprays this on his tshirt, it would potentially cause an allergic reaction to the skin from the harmful chemicals in the product.  Secondly, it would wash out immediately as soon as soap or detergent washes it off - simple chemistry here. Another thought I had was why do they show everybody in the video not using the proper protection when applying the product?  This is product is extremely toxic - similar to lacquer-based sprays - and is carcinogenic.  EVERYBODY who buys the product should use a carbon-filtered mask with eyegear and chemical gloves.  Period.  The last point is, this product leaves a hazy film on all will ruin any color other than white.  If you're serious about the product, call OSHA or the EPA and see what they say...I have a feeling that this company or the product will be facing serious lawsuits soon enough.  I seriously have a concern on how people will dispose of the water they use on treated products.  I wouldn't even treat my toilet brush, since it will eventually breakdown and come off, and contaminate my toilet.  Sorry.


I saw a non-commercial non-sponsor test, and it actually works pretty well


I feel like putting this stuff in your iPhone's dock/charging connector would be a problem. If it's electrically conductive, it'll short the pins together. If it's an insulator, it'll keep you from ever using that port again.


If I spray this on my feet, am I able to walk on water?


It's important that you wear rubber gloves when handling deadly chocolate syrup and mustard. Safety first.


I think probably one of the more useful aspects of this, is keeping recording equipment dry, such as filming in the rain and such


i wonder if this can make hydrodynamics better ?
what if you coat a boat with this, will it get more efficient ?


Why have I not heard of this until tonight. This is pure genius.


Funny how everything that repels is hydrophilic. How about dropping some oil or fats on there? Wonder if it will stick like glue


what happen if i spray this on my fish and put it back in the fish tank?


From the - Material Safety Data Sheet -

May cause central nervous system disorder (e.g., narcosis involving a
loss of coordination, weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, and blurred vision) and/or damage. Reports have associated repeated and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage.

Eye Contact, Ingestion, Inhalation, Skin Absorption, Skin Contact"

It also comes off as a fine powder when touched or with normal usage and will then come into skin contact and be absorbed into the skin and/or eye if rubbing it or around it and be inhaled... when it comes off as a powder... as it does with normal use (according to other youtubers who tried this).
I would rather be soaking wet than be exposed to this.


It states right on their website "Not intended to be applied to electronic devices".  It also says that NeverWet should be reapplied when water no longer rolls off the surface.  So, it can come off somehow, perhaps by continual contact such as rubbing.   


As amazing and useful as this product is, how long does it last, and what kind of chemicals does it have?


From someone who bought and used (not me) Despite the original video demonstrations for NeverWet, the instructions make it pretty clear that you aren’t supposed to use this on electronics or clothing.


what happens if you spray it on a fish? will they swim faster or die?


What happens if you use it on your hands? Will you be able to pick up water without getting your hands wet?


i did try this product before, pros it is a water and other liquids repellents, on my boots cons it change the color to a dark gray, really works


how does it breathe? will I be sweating heavily under my "never wet" t-shirt or will it feel breezy still?


I just thought of something genius! Parents should spray it all over their toddlers so when they're passed out drunk and their kid falls into the pool they'll just bounce off the water!


what if you sprayed an ice cube, would the spray just not attach
