Al Lindner, James Lindner and Jeremy Smith break down Minn Kota's i-Pilot Link

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Minn Kota's revolutionary new i-Pilot Link makes fishing easier and better than ever before. i-Pilot Link merges three of the most powerful technologies available for catching fish - Minn Kota trolling motors, Humminbird fishfinders, and LakeMaster digital gps lake maps. Working seamlessly together, these three technologies raise boat control to amazing new levels.
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I wish Minn Kota or Humminbird would design a "Follow the Contour" feature that used the depth finder to set a target depth as opposed to a Lakemaster lakes aren't mapped by Lakemaster. Whoever designs that, would be king.


i have had the ipilot on a power drive.wish i had the terra so it could have the foot control with the works good with the himmingbird 798 but the remote quit right after warrenty was out a couple of the bootons quit, the ones i use the most.also when checking the battery charge one of the screw holes broke.just a plastic tower holding the screws in.not very had to order another.not cheap.


The first time I heard about ipilot I assumed this would be incorporated, let down when it wasn't. Its awesome but not sure it's worth the price right now;)


One major piece of information they are not including with this video. That would be, All of the features do not work with the Helix 5 . You will loose down imaging with the Helix 5. You have to go up to a Helix 7 . That is what I was told by a Bass Pro Shops sales rep. I could put the Helix 5 transducer on the trolling motor but I have the US2 intigrated in the trolling motor SO for a hundred bucks more you have to upgrade to a 7 inch Helix. Good thing I didnt listen to the guy who sold me the motor. Cheers.


Problem next year they will come out with something even better to adapt to Ipads lol and loose fish finder argh. Love my Ipilot V2 Ipilot it's all I need or want right now.


There has to be an easier way to install them to drill into your investment? Perhaps some sort of a U shaped clamp to just tighten ?? I can't remember the name of this something a bit easier to


I KNEW IT!! When they bought LakeMaster, I KNEW they were going to do something like this. Great job, its been a long time coming. I can't wait to see how well it preforms.


Let's hope they'll make this compatible with Navionics... You know the maps that are in 95% of the fishing boats out there.


Hey guys how does the I-pilot motor drop into the water when I launched the boat ?
