Darragh MacAnthony EXPLAINS Why Premier League Ticket Prices Are RISING SO MUCH 😱👀

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Darragh MacAnthony reacts to West Ham fans protesting at season ticket prices.

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This is why non league and lower league football attendances are going up….people are sick of the greed.


I remember Bayern’s former President Uli Hoeneß saying "“We could charge more than £104 for a season ticket, let’s say we charged £300, we would get £2m more in income but what is £2m to us? In a transfer discussion you argue about that sum for five minutes but the difference between £104 and £300 is huge for the fan, we don’t think that the fans are like cows who you milk, football has got to be for everybody and that is the biggest difference between us and England."


I don't get why they punish the fans, ripping the soul out the club - they want atmosphere in the stadium but you won't get it from tourists..! Most revenue is TV, advertising and sponsors - they DON'T need to do this 😡


Could it be that they're greedy bastards.
Asking for a friend.


PL clubs get most of their revenues from TV and commercial deals, which is especially true for PL clubs. so rising ticket prices is less justified.


"Are football tickets too expensive" is a headline right up there with "is there too much diving in the game". Nothing changes.


Meant to be taking my kid to the BetWay Cup, bought the tickets already - he really wants to go, I've never been able to take him to see the men's team only the u21s - I'm so conflicted, what do I do..? I want to go see our new players and manager, see European opposition, i don't want to upset my kid and let him down but im so angry about this issue and want to support the protest ☹️☹️☹️


Thanks for putting EXPLAINS in all caps, really helpful.


They will keep rising until people stop buying them


I started watching the lower league and my local a couple years back. 2-3 times a season, not much. Even at prem games, I was itching to leave before the 90mins. Lower league is fine, I can drink in the stands and bring my own, it gets rowdy! and its not as costly, still at a price. I look on the fixtures and travel to different teams. Pay on the door. Its good.


Fans don't want 50/60 million pound signings, or trophies if they can't afford to see it


Refuse to pay the prices and they'd soon come down.


Q. How much is something worth?
A. However much someone is willing to pay.


It's pure greed end of, it's disgusting treatment of loyal fans


Not used to saying this as a Villa fan but Leeds fans getting robbed with having an away season ticket


From what i can see there is already a large section of supporters in the premiership who have been priced out and can no longer go..Football stoped being a working class sport many years ago when it became just about money .The really sad thing is the connection has been lost between the next generation I support a premiership team but taking two kids along is just not praxtical as its so expensive.Not just the tickets but the transport food etc. Football is now only for the rich .Sad to admit and it will only get worse each year


The dichotomy between 'wants' and 'needs' becomes ever more apparent as one's discretionary spending is increasingly squeezed. Groceries and communiting costs have always ranks over a sport ticket. Sadly, that does mean that the emotional tenor of a crowd will be changed as differently types of football fans are attracted to the flame and older fan groups are priced out of terraces. I guess the real question is whether a less partisan fanbase diminishes the atmosphere. That said, it's not like Sky and the other respective broadcaster rights holders don't manipulate the audio captured and produced for a television audience. Maybe they think they can produce a less rockus crowd so as it doesn't translate to those watching and listening from home.


Our board are out of touch and won't even be bothered by all this... Disgusting 😡


So the guy on right says as a season ticket holder he loves seeing foreign fans coming to watch but they do is take selfies dont cheer which affects the atmospher lol. Sure you love them mate.


While there is obvious greed involved, do fans understand how many staff are involved in a matchday operation?
Stewards, security, police, St John's ambulance.
Cleaners, kiosk staff, programme sellers, bar staff, waiters and waitresses, ticket office, club shop, car parking.
Hospitality staff, supervisors, managers.
Sniffer dogs, counter terrorism specialists.
Gold silver and bronze commanders. Cctv, Ops room.
Pitch staff, media, photographer's, sound technicians, lighting technicians, repair men/women, drivers, accountant's, foundation staff.
Museum staff, quick response teams, lift engineers, pest I could go on and on but my thumbs are getting tired.
