Creating a Window // OpenGL Tutorial #1

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In this video I will show you how to create a window to be used with OpenGL using FreeGLUT (I'm referring to 'FreeGLUT' as 'GLUT' in the video).
If you want to get the same version that was used in the video checkout the tag TUT_01_CREATE_WINDOW.
🔥 I'm using the following books as background information for my tutorials and I highly recommend them for learning more about OpenGL and Vulkan.
These are affiliate links so if you use them to buy the books the price is the same for you and I will get a small commision (thank-you!).
Time codes:
0:00 - Intro
2:09 - glutInit
3:20 - glutInitDisplayMode
4:44 - Init window params
5:07 - Create a Window
5:32 - glClearColor
7:03 - glutDisplayMode
7:35 - glutMainLoop
8:07 - glClear
8:21 - glutSwapBuffers
10:22 - glutPostRedisplay
10:55 - How to build the code
13:39 - Conclusion
Feel free to comment below.
Twitter: @ogldev
Etay Meiri
#opengl #ogldev #opengtutorials
and I get a commission.
In this video I will show you how to create a window to be used with OpenGL using FreeGLUT (I'm referring to 'FreeGLUT' as 'GLUT' in the video).
If you want to get the same version that was used in the video checkout the tag TUT_01_CREATE_WINDOW.
🔥 I'm using the following books as background information for my tutorials and I highly recommend them for learning more about OpenGL and Vulkan.
These are affiliate links so if you use them to buy the books the price is the same for you and I will get a small commision (thank-you!).
Time codes:
0:00 - Intro
2:09 - glutInit
3:20 - glutInitDisplayMode
4:44 - Init window params
5:07 - Create a Window
5:32 - glClearColor
7:03 - glutDisplayMode
7:35 - glutMainLoop
8:07 - glClear
8:21 - glutSwapBuffers
10:22 - glutPostRedisplay
10:55 - How to build the code
13:39 - Conclusion
Feel free to comment below.
Twitter: @ogldev
Etay Meiri
#opengl #ogldev #opengtutorials