What Is The Dark Night of the Soul? (Fr. Micheal-Joseph)

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Fr. Paris explains how John of the Cross thought of the Dark Night of the Soul.

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LOVE Fr. Michael Joseph! Blessed to have him in the area!


A while back my vehicle was destroyed by my employer, he fired me for it, and I was run over by a pickup truck all in the span of a month. I lost most of my Earthly possessions when I was forced to move across the country with no budget; I lost.confidantes when I lost the easy guidance of my pastor; I lost my friends when I stopped being able to volunteer at a community of Franciscans.

Does it count as a Dark Night of the Soul if the heartache is the bow on top of my discernment? For the first time in the process my answer is “Yes” rather than “Yes, but…”

Pray for me, brothers and sisters. I’m in talks with a contemplative community. I’m excited and hopeful and happy. I’ve started the Liturgy of the Hours. Started preparing people for the inevitabilities of the life.

Thanks be to God.


Agreed. Best explanation of the dark night. Thank you 🙏🏼


To the older men and women on my RCIA team a little more than a decade ago, dark night of the soul happened any time they felt spiritual dryness. They all liked to think themselves great mystics.


Been really sturggling being the only Catholic in my family. Giving myself to evwryone in a way im not used to, a way theyre not used to ends up leavingme feel exhausted, and despairing at times. I heard the start "most people aren't in a dark night" and semi tuned out until realizing thats exactly what this is 😂😅 having a name for it makes it much less powerful


12/23/24 - Descent into Madness, My Senses are Reeling

My Conciousness
Soul - Heart to Cortex
Spirit - Divine to the Source

Omni Presence
Constant coherence presence
Brokenness Sorrowful-joy

Love is why
Space between the words …
Deeper Meaningful Connection

I love
Welled up deeply in me is the guttural cry, massively …
Dark Night of the Soul

I forgot why I love
Alone spiral of descending sunken …
Deadening Peace

You are appreciated Father Michael Joseph, Institute Carmelite Studies (ICS)


It's when you stop an antidepressant after 10 years and find that you've lived without full range of emotions, and now without the antidepressant you have NO EMOTIONS beside primal fear, panic inducing regret, and remorse. And you question if you are a psycho or a hopeless sinner because you have zero motivation, you just want to not exist, but you're scared of Hell. And you can't believe this is your life, and not a black and white post-apocalyptic movie. It's like I'm so rotten that God has given up on me.


If a properly educated mortal is having such difficulty accurately explaining the concept termed The Dark Night of the Soul, it should then be hard if not harder for another mortal to diagnose if another mortal is or is not going through a Dark Night of the Soul. Just saying.


“Dark Night of the Soul” is refinement. You must be refined to be “born again.” A new weapon in the LORD’S arsenal.


St John wrote in Spanish. It was the 'Obscure' night of the soul: tells of this idea, a separation from source. When we feel truly alone. An aridity of the soul, he wanted us to think of the desert fathers. I think of how dry of meaning we all are... Just as Jung said - we need meaning and that is to live with a religious view of life. Psalm 46:10 as seen thru an Irish filter is to see the divinity in all...


For the end of 2024, I recommend to everyone book Your Life Your Game by Keezano. I’ve read it, and it truly changed my life. It beautifully shows how connecting with God and your inner self can lead to spiritual growth and family/career success. A must-read!


So "dark night of the soul" originated in Christianity... It's a big topic in the new age


Why do evangelicals I talk to not believe in the dark night of the soul and only think it’s a Catholic thing? They say if you only left the “dark depressing” Catholic Church and joined “true Christians” you’d be happy and joyful like us. And they do seem to be happier than us solemn Catholics. It’s so frustrating.


You said I’m not supposed to say it but I’m gonna say it.


I want to go through the dark knight bc then I’d be closer to Jesus


Can you “fail” the dark night? I think I may have.
