Why are black women more likely to miscarry than white women? - BBC News

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The BBC spoke to four black women about their experiences with pregnancy loss in the US healthcare system.

Miscarriage rates are 40% higher in black women compared to white women, one study found.

After her own experience with loss, Erica McAfee founded Sisters in Loss to provide support after miscarriage and advocate for black maternal health.

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Scrap the TV licence and get rid of this awful channel


No one should be treated as that lady was…. too be crushed over the phone… so much she did wake her partner


Economic class is more a factor than skin color, is that so difficult to understand?


The comment section feeds into why we're ignored. Even when we have the higher numbers someone is upset that it's not about them too. They would prefer we shut up and keep losing babies or our lives in childbirth (we have a higher rate of that too).


Yet the fastest growing population is Africa?! So are you sure this topic is correct ?!


Because black women tend to be poorer than white women statistically speaking in the economic and job sphere. So lesser income often leads to worse access to healthcare, worse nutrition and more health complications. Nothing to do with genes here. Just pure statistical inference. Economical situation plays a huge part in health conditions.


I feel that weight has a big part in this. The American diet needs to be revised.


My son's Mom had a miscarriage. Our second child. She is white but I feel for any Mom regardless of who they are since that loss is truly heartbreaking. Very tragic and possibly traumatic. My Mom also had a miscarriage. It is good that there is a support network for women of color. I know pregnancy in and of itself is not easy and every Mom handles it differently. Being sensitive is important.


As a woman who had 3 miscarriages the third also killed me. I understand these women’s pain but I see this is worse in the USA then in the UK. But all women of all races can lose a child through miscarriage and stillborn it not always about race and these things do happen not saying racial discrimination doesn’t happen because it does, but a professional health person should really help all women regardless of their skin colour. Losing a child is never easy and to this day they are still figuring out what causes a miscarriage. No one knows and maybe one day in the future we will learn what or why miscarriages happen.


Doctors are racist now to?? I am running out of people I cam like according to the wokers😐


Poverty related.

But of course "muh racism"


They are more likely to take more drugs and indulge in other higher risk activities?


Being more likely to misarrange is awful and efforts should be made to figure out why that is. but don't blame it on racism. I think this problem is more likely caused by lifestyle. Black women in the US have the highest rates of obesity. they are 50% more likely to be obese than white women (according to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services)


In answer to the question the video title poses, its simple...Racism.


My beautiful friend had 5 miscarriage, until now she didn't got pregnant, and husband left her for someone else!! 😢 💔


certain illness can increase your chance of having miscarriage


Is their insurance private insurance or government? Just based on what I’ve seen, if is government insurance, you get the worst care, very limited! If your on food stamp’s and WIC, like my sister was for awhile (I don’t have kids), you can’t afford to buy healthy food. They don’t care if your purple, just as long as you have money. I do believe that is systematic racism that goes way back though, it’s really sad. I also think women in general aren’t taken seriously when we talk, even to our doctors.


As a Black woman my concerns were almost always dismissed by the medical staff. I know myself and my body and I know when something is wrong but if I pushed the doctors and the staff I was only dismissed. Its the culture of value and when looking at a Black patient we are ALMOST at the bottom.


All of healthcare have declined sooo much with their compassion towards their patients.


What study are you using to compare race in miscarriage? Did you know the risks of early miscarriage and REM were significantly higher among obese patients. Controlled studies are important. Black women have the highest rate of obesity at 72%. Maybe pregnancy planning would be a good place to put counseling rather than after a disaster.
