Lesson 185 - Residuality Theory

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How can we create an architecture that can accomodate constant state of change and uncertaint? The answer is Residualiy Theory. In this lesson I describe what residulaity theory is about and show how it can address the uncertainty and change we expierience every day in complicated systems.

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I think I understood everything that was said in the video, but I don't see how it changes my workflow concretely. I start with an initial architecture, and I am fully aware that this will need to change in the future and that there are many unknown unknowns. I already adapt to change and I already extend the architecture when new functionality is requested. Sometimes these new components cover future feature requests quite well as shown in the example; sometimes they don't and further changes are needed.

So I don't really understand how talking about this in terms of "stressors" and "residues" rather than "feature requests" and changes anything. The example of the exam/grading system made perfect sense, but I think we would have made the exact same analysis without residuality theory.


Mark, by residue theory would we want to have agility as an Architecture Characteristic? Thus this sounds like we want to appeal to continuous refactoring.


What is the correct order of the books to read?


If we look at stressor as new business requirement, would we still call it residual theory?


Unless, I am missing something, what is new in "Residual Theory" ? Aren't all good architectures are built for future extensibility and adaptability ? What does this so called theory bring to the table ? Seems to me that someone published a sugar-coated thesis, which was simply based on time-tested best architectural principles to get their doctorate ! Or, Mark is not doing a great job of explaining to us, why this is different. To me, this is just old wine in a new bottle


To me, this is just old wine in a new bottle to help someone get a Ph. D ! It offers nothing new
At this rate, anybody can publish a paper and use fancy names for time-tested architectural principles and call it a NEW THEORY!


I know you have just scratched the surface on residuality but it does not seems very different from Micro-Kernel Architecture.
