Get Started With Linux Terminal - Code Conversation

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The terminal can be intimidating to work with when you’re used to working with graphical user interfaces. However, it’s an important tool that you need to get used to in your journey as a Python developer. Even though you can substitute some workflows in the terminal with apps that contain a graphical user interface (GUI), you may need to open the terminal at some point in your life as a Python developer.
In this Code Conversation, you’ll follow a chat between Philipp Ascany and Geir Arne Hjelle as they perform common tasks in the terminal on Linux.
This is a portion of the complete course, which you can find here:
The rest of the course covers how to:
- Showing file contents
- Running Python files
- Copying files
- Navigating directories
- Renaming files and updating file contents
In this Code Conversation, you’ll follow a chat between Philipp Ascany and Geir Arne Hjelle as they perform common tasks in the terminal on Linux.
This is a portion of the complete course, which you can find here:
The rest of the course covers how to:
- Showing file contents
- Running Python files
- Copying files
- Navigating directories
- Renaming files and updating file contents
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