Learn MQL4 coding Lesson 1

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In this video Learn MQL4 coding Lesson 1, you will learn

What is program flow
How a program flow
How MQL4 program flow is

A program flow is the order of the program will be executed.
There is a commander in all the programs.
The commander will execute the task one by one.
In an example, the commander in a country will be the president. President will give order what to do first, what to do next.
So the program flow is the flow what will be executed first, what will be executed next.
In MT4, the commander will be MT4 itself.  MT4 will give controls to the applications (EAs/Indicators/Scripts) to execute tasks

A program flow is just like a water stream.
Water will flow from a higher stream to lower stream.
Same with programming, program flows from top task to bottom task. There is no way that water will flow from bottom stream to top stream, same like programming, there is no way that a program flow from bottom task and return back to the first task.
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