The Mercy Of Allah ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ by Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda ┇ TDR Production ┇
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The Mercy Of Allah ᴴᴰ ┇ Amazing Reminder ┇ by Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda ┇ TDR Production ┇
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaathuhu
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**No Music was used in the production of this video
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Speaker: Shaykh Ustadh Abdul Nasir Jangda
The Mercy Of Allah ᴴᴰ - by Sheikh Abdul Nasir Jangda
We as Muslims need to understand.
We need to understand the nature of the mercy of Allah.
We are dealing with the one who in surah 39 ayah number 53, who tells us, he tells the prophet (ﷺ) to proclaim, to announce and say...
'Qul yaa 'ibaadi'
O my slaves!
He's having this proclamation made.
O my slaves!
Allah is calling out. Now, which slaves is Allah talking to? The righteous? The pious? The scholars? No! No! No!
'Allazeena 'asrafoo 'alaa 'anfusihim'
The ones who have wronged themselves. And the word for wrong is not just wrong, but crossing the line, 'asrafoo ('israa) -- they've crossed all lines against themselves. They are self-sabotaging, self-imploding.
'asrafoo 'alaa 'anfusihim'
They are harming themselves.
'laa taqnatoo mir-rahmatil-laah'
Do not ever, ever, ever despair from the mercy of Allah. Don't you dare ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah! This, grammatically-speaking, this is called seeratun nahee. This is the forbidding form of the word.
'Don't you dare...'
It is forbidden for you to ever despair from the mercy of Allah.
We gotta lot of talk in our communities about what's haram. This is haram and that is haram and that is haram.
The haram we need to be talking about, the haram we need to understand that comes first and foremost, it is haram to lose hope in the mercy of Allah. It is haram to despair from the mercy of Allah.
'Laa taqnatoo mir-rahmatil-laah'
'Innal-laaha yaghfriuz-zunooba jamee'aa'
Allah can and will forgive all the sins. All the sins!
'Innal-laaha yaghfriuz-zunooba jamee'aa; 'innahoo Huwal-Ghafoorur-Raheem.'
Why? Because He and only He alone is the one who is Constantly Forgiving, and Constantly Merciful.
We as Muslims need to understand. We need to attach our hopes onto the mercy of Allah. We need to attach our hopes onto the mercy of Allah. We need to understand the nature of the mercy of Allah.
How confident it should make us, how much of a sense of security should it give us. How much love it should bring into our hearts for the one who we're dealing with. The nature of the mercy of Allah, Allah tells us Himself in the Quran
'Innar-rahmati wasi-'at kulla shay'
Most definitely, My mercy, it encompasses everything.