Node.js Crash Course Tutorial #4 - Requests & Responses

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0:00 -- request object
3:22 -- response object
9:05 -- returning html pages
12:59 -- basic routing
18:41 -- status codes
22:17 -- redirects

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The video is the perfect example of the educational expertise of the creator. Instead of starting with the 'best' way of coding the serving of webpages, the author codes a more primitive way that is from a learning perspective, much more intuitive. Hats off to this outstanding creator.


The first channel I came across that explained Node js in a structured fashion. Every little detail is explained well. Thank you.


This is what I love about Shaun's tutorials; he slowly takes you through the concept, explains what is going under the hood, and shows you how the code evolved and where it started. so you understand how to write the correct code block and why you are writing it that way.


I can safely say that so far this has been the best Node resource I've come across, specifically because it doesn't jump into Express from the get-go. My first encounter with Node was basically mindlessly copying requires and module.exports and having no idea why which made it impossible to remember everything. This now actually makes complete sense. Thanks for this 👏👏


I can't believe how good this course is, and free too! We live in a golden age of education. Thanks so much.


Here is an interesting thought. I just went to Udemy looking for a complete Node js course and spent an hour reviewing a number of Complete, Perfect, Modent, Latest Node js courses. In the end, I wasted almost an hour of my time going throught courses that are outdated, not for intermediate developers and mostly, not on the latest version. Just wanted to let you guys know channels like these are not many.


Honestly, I spent 5 months just by looking tutorials of many youtubers on Node JS course. But after 5 months of struggling, I cam here. Now I can assure that I am full satck JS Developer beacuse of you


Amazing tutorials Sean. I followed 3-4 months ago your JS tutorials, and it helped me a lot. Now, after watching some other tutorials here and there, decided 4 days ago to go back to your channel to look for these, and surprise surprise, a new tutorial just on the topic I need.
Thank you so much!
You are amazing!
Cheers from Israel.


I have done a node course that took me almost a month I mean yeah it helps when im coming here to look for more information but I cant believe how good Shaun is a great teacher. Like really this guys is the real deal and I know I can always count on Shaun. Stays away from the tech guru limelight but his work definitely speaks for itself. I freaking love you Shaun


This is incredible for anyone to learn progressively. Thanks a lot for taking time to put this together.


Thank you so much for doing this tutorial. Understanding how all of this stuff works is how I learn. You are awesome! I've learned more about Node with the first 4 videos then I did at an actual coding bootcamp.


So far the best Node.js tutorial for beginners I have ever found!
Will this tutorial cover all those topics you explained in your previous Node.js tutorial 4 years ago?


I love your teaching style. You start from the basic building blocks before explaining the more streamlined methods, so we can get a feeling for the code as we go and end up with a better grasp of it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skill as a teacher!


Omg, This is so good! Exactly what I was looking for. You are very thorough with your explanation about req and res, unlike many others tutorials that brush through it quickly. I love that! Subscribed and Liked!


I am a tutor and this helped my student and I on her assignment regarding setting up a server and answered a lot of questions we had, thanks!


Before seeing your solution using switch statements, I tried writing the logic using if statements, and it sorta worked, but it was confusing to read and really buggy because I had fs.readFile() and fs.stat().isFile() methods flying around everywhere. Your method was eye opening. I think sometimes, the more advanced you are, the more streamlined your code can become, because I'm looking at what you did (from the pov of a noob) and just feeling awe for your coding design patterns. Thanks for making this series, sensei, you've really helped me! Prior to your series, I was feeling very disgruntled about the prospect of figuring out how to do server stuff (I tried some courses on php that were too cookie cutter for me to learn anything substancial) and seeing the flexibility of the node.js coding environment really opened my eyes to everything that's possible. You're a hero, mate! Greetings and blessings from the US 🙏🏽🎊❤️🔥🏆☮️🙌🏽


At 24:53 it's better to use 'return;' instead of 'break;' in line number 24 so that we exit the function.
Otherwise it could lead to error as we're then trying to read from a file './views/' which is not valid.

Thank you so much for the wonderful tutorial my friend.


Your content is acutely aware of our short attention spans! It is appreciated. Havn't decided whether I prefer lots of small videos or larger ones broken up to specific lectures, but breaking it up one way or another is definitely a good thing!

Update: Decided I prefer more shorter videos, it will allow me to quickly reference the material I need when I am using this stuff in my own projects.


Lol when the ads come on, I usually let them play ❤️ I'm a broke, unemployed bum rn lol, so this is the only way I know to support. And I've shared your channel with some coder friends of mine. You absolutely rock, and one day I hope I'm in the position to support your work substantially! The internet owes you a massive debt, my guy! 🔥🙌🏽


I love your hardwork
Keep it up and keep educating people
