Bucephalus - Warhorse of Alexander the Great DOCUMENTARY

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In this history documentary we look at the remarkable story of how a 12 year old boy met a horse and together embarked on a multi-decade adventure to conquer the known world together. We begin by discussing the history of Macedon and its cavalry traditions which gave rise to the units of Companion Cavalry. We then share the legendary tale of how a young Alexander first met and tamed the warhorse Bucephalus. The history documentary then speculates on how they must have trained together while offering small anecdotes by historians of how they built an incredible foundation of trust that would prepare them for the long journey ahead.

When Philip the Second of Macedon is assassinated, Alexander is finally thrust into a position of power and prepares to set off on an expedition against the Achaemenid Empire of Darius. In this herculean task he would be accompanied by his trusty steed, riding the warhorse in every pitched battle from the Battle of the River Granicus, to the Battle of Issus, the Battle of Gaugamela, the Battle of Jaxartes, and the Battle of the Hydaspes. Along the way there would be many stories to tell.

I hope this story about Bucephalus provides fresh insight into the campaigns of Alexander the Great and helps to humanize his otherwise super human story. Be sure to check out the rest of our channel for more animated history documentaries like this on daily life in the past.

Sources and Suggested Reading:
“Philip and Alexander” by Adrian Goldsworthy
“Alexander the Great” by Philip Freeman
"Life of Alexander" by Plutarch
"The Library of History" by Diodorus Siculus

Research = Invicta
Script = Invicta
Narration = Invicta
Artwork = Penta Limited
Editing = Invicta

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A horse uncomfortable with its own shadow.
There is something poetic, almost legendary, about a horse that would rather gallop east in the morning. Seems to be a perfect fit for its master.


The stories of Alexander the Great always amaze me no matter how many times I hear them, at this point he is essentially a mythical figure as in his deeds being too amazing.


Bucephalus was - as historians like to say - a really good boy.


I never knew Alexander pulled a john wick when his horse was stolen😂 definitely stole the wrong guys horse


The greatest conqueror and commander needed an equally great horse🥲
You can't appreciate enough just how awesome these animals are and all they've done for us over thousands of years👏🏻 great video.


😊Waoo!! and I live in the Town named after Bucephalus in Punjab Pakistan.. its where he died, Phalia.. we also have a statue of Bucephalus in the city too 🙂 and a nearby town also has a greek name, Hella.. from Helen of troy 😄 we love our greek heritage.. there also was a small fort here and a lot of coins statues and potery was also excavated from its ruins.. world sure is an interesting place


Bucephalus was the realest homie one could get


The story of Bucephalus is really touching.
Long gone, but not forgotten.


Okay, this was pretty well done. I kinda teared up about Bucephalus dying. Damn you Invicta! How are you so good at storytelling that you make me teary eye about a horse from 2300 years ago?


One of the most impressive horses of antiquity, second only to the horse that rose through the ranks of the Roman government to become consul


Alexander even had a dog named Peritas who would also fight with him in battles saving him from an elephant by biting its lip till the elephant fell on its knees weakened by blood loss

Another incident is said that Peritas protected Alexander from Malians attacking Alexander in India and Peritas held them off till Alexanders backup troops arrived l. Supposedly Peritas was mortally wounded and crawled to Alexander's lap and died

In another version of the story Alexander was trapped by the Malian troops with his warriors on the other side of the battle. Leonnnatus sent Peritas to go to Alexander which he did. The valiant dog fought and tore through the troops until he got to gravely wounded Alexander's side. Peritas held the troops off until Alexander's troops were able to fight their way to him. Peritas was mortally wounded with a javelin and is said to have crawled to Alexander and placed his head on his lap and died

Alexander then named the city of Peritas, India, in his beloved dog's honour. Peritas's tomb with a statue in his honour still stands at the entrance to the city that bears his name


“Do you give the horse his might?
Do you clothe his neck with a mane?
20 Do you make him leap like the locust?
His majestic snorting is terrifying.
21 He paws[a] in the valley and exults in his strength;
he goes out to meet the weapons.
22 He laughs at fear and is not dismayed;
he does not turn back from the sword.
23 Upon him rattle the quiver,
the flashing spear, and the javelin.
24 With fierceness and rage he swallows the ground;
he cannot stand still at the sound of the trumpet.
25 When the trumpet sounds, he says ‘Aha!’
He smells the battle from afar,
the thunder of the captains, and the shouting.


Ah, Bucephalus a horse so great that the Greatest conquerer named over ten cities after him, may he rest easy and enjoy his place by Alexanders side in the afterlife.


Can you please do more warhorse episodes? It’s very interesting and also a great reminder that the world as we know it today would have probably been very different, if it wasn’t for the horses who carried humanity so far


There's a statue of Alexander and his horse in Edinburgh, Scotland. Used to walk past it every day when I lived there.


I read somewhere that Philip refused to let Alexander try because, and I quote: "your mother would murder me if you got hurt". But Alexander was so persistent he finally just gave in lol.


I always say that dogs and horses are the most loyal and loving friends for humans.

RIP Bucephalus, you shall never be forgotten.


Alexander said that his companion cavalry didn't follow him, they're horses followed busephalis


I truly love this video. I named my truck Bucephalus when I bought it in 2016


I have a huge bust of Bucephalus. And my dogs name was also named after the noble steed. What an amazing story.
