Eric Bogatin on Breaking Bad Habits in PCB Design - AltiumLive Keynote

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Eric Bogatin is Dean of Signal Integrity at Teledyne LeCroy. Listen in and see Eric use the Arduino Uno board as an example of how not to design a 2-layer board. He’ll show you the best design practices to use and how the common Arduino boards violate most of them. Watch Eric in action as he does some live measurements and compares a commercial board with the same design done right.

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The introduction ends at 9:35, if you want to get straight to the talk, it starts at 10:57.


This is the kind of professor I want in my university


From like 13:53 onward when he is talking about how people aren't adequately trained today and also talks about maxwells equations and how in school they just teach us how to solve differential equations and what not... he hit the nail on the freaking head.


Eric is an amazing teacher... saw him at PCB West this year, wish I could have been at AltiumLive!


I help with EMI testing for student projects at my university, every time I see a group roll up with a classic Arduino at the core of their design I know what's coming, the signature 32 MHz noise and it's harmonics definitely will be there, and likely over the limits.

the ESP32S nodeMCU boards are another nice example, when they're accessing the flash memory via SPI they're so noisy, it's possible to read the data being transferred from across the room


This is gold! I’m so glad I stumbled across these talks because I don’t know how else I would learn these things.
When I studied at Uni we covered a range of topics (electromagnetism, digital, analogue, mcu’s, control theory etc) and I felt fairly well educated but we weren’t taught board design like this in any of the modules. PCB design is such a staple skill for an EE too! I guess that was saved for MSc or PhD students but really it should be taught from year 2!


43:00 He says use the thinnest trace, but dont! Manufacturing yield aside, it's significantly decreases the coupling to the return path and the layer below, meaning you'll be greatly increasing the relative coupling to any aggressor signals. Roughly 85% of your return is going to be in the plane below. Using a thinner Trace effectively increases H! You'll find this in oyher Altium Academy and Fedevel videos, maybe even in his own.


Really good teacher and easy voice to listen to. I wish he did a podcast


Most electrical and software engineers would not be where they are today without open source hardware and software. Without this, we raise the barrier to entry for millions of aspiring engineers around the world who are not privileged enough to own anything else due to the increase in cost due to licensing. With out the Arduino, millions would still be stuck paying out the nose for paid for software and hardware with unethical limitations in place to hinder the creativity of our younger generations. Open source is the best thing in tech this world has ever seen.


thank you for the last 10 minutes really


thank you, not only for alitim eda but also bring engineer who uncover his or her experience


Altium congratulating themselves on Selling Stuff, also Altium "lets charge them like they are Millionaires".
Sorry Altium I won't spend 1/2 my rental money on 1 software for the Month. But I do enjoy these talks, helps me as a hobbyist.


“ experienced electrical engineers to be“ I should’ve put that one on my résumé long ago


The Arduino board that the student design is no longer an Arduino board, it is just a 328 dev board, since the board sharp and header location is not at the standard location.


Bookmark: Using probes to sense board radiation


Habit 7 Don't use non standard units of measurement.


I love the technique he devised to measure the on-die noise. Never though of that, and although simple, it is quite effective. Anyway, it was a great presentation!

However, there are great open source designs out there, make by people that knew what they were doing. The Arduino is a very bad example, and not representative. It is a half-assed design that hardly had any revisions before it was first launched. Proof of that is the odd spacing between two of the SIP headers, that remained as a design "feature" in order to perpetuate what was a mistake.


Altium Designer, etc., is okay, it just needs to be cheaper.


The title of this forum is not addressed in the material. What does "open source" have to do with bad board routing? Are Altium-routed boards, "closed source", free of this malady?


Not using ground Pours?? is quite strange:) how you gonna do it in practice? Altium will not allow you to route ground traces individually, it will change traces based on topology preference. Switching topology from star? not sure it is good idea, it will become mess very quickly. You still need to use pour for ground... but analyze it more after applying. and maybe rearrange power distribution etc. but it is not as easy like presented in video and requires compromises.
