AI generates real-life cast of Dark Souls [Part 2]

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Software attempts to generate photo-realistic renderings of NPCs/ characters' faces from Dark Souls 1. This 2nd episode covers everything not included in the first episode.

If you're new here, I have a bunch of videos that explore the Dark Souls series in-depth:

Here's the Corridor Crew video which tipped me off to this software, which includes a link to the software and a tutorial at the end of it:

Software/ Original research credits-
Or Patashnik*, Zongze Wu*, Eli Shechtman, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski
*Equal contribution, ordered alphabetically

I prefer not to link to the colab doc directly since there are specific instructions for use. Please consult the above link and video tutorial first. **NOTE** - I realize there may be ongoing issues with the original link and tutorial instructions. I'll try to make an addendum to their tutorial soon.

Crest's original demonstration of maskless Gwyndolin-

Atlas Obscura's fantastic video about the horned helmet-

Non-souls music provided by bensound dot com. Various sound effects from zapsplat dot com.

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Gwyndolin
1:44 Anastacia
3:11 Lautrec
4:00 Vince and Nico
4:24 Havel
4:36 Ingward
4:51 Jeremiah
5:21 Maneater Mildred
5:38 Kirk
5:48 Leeroy
6:02 Domhnall of Zena
6:28 Sieglinde
7:02 Oscar and Prince Ricard
7:44 Rickert
8:00 Tarkus
8:08 Shiva and Bodyguard
9:03 The rest of the Forest Hunters
9:45 Darkmoon Knightess
10:11 Fauxlaire
10:36 Character Creation Nonsense
12:07 Corrections from Part 1
13:09 Why Gwyn isn't here
13:41 Channeler
13:58 Undead Merchants
14:12 Wisps and Necromancers
14:32 More Gwynevere
14:45 Statue Mother and Child
15:03 Menu Weirdos
15:26 More Solaire
15:41 Smough
15:50 Giant Blacksmith
16:27 Closing Words
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Thanks everyone for watching! FAQ and Patreon link:

---What's the software called?!

It's very unusual for me to not just title and link something upfront like this, but I'm not trying to hoard it! The issue is that googling the name will bring you straight to the colab doc, which you're supposed to copy over to your google drive before using. The software needs some context on how to be used correctly, and it could potentially be a hassle for the original document owner if people try interacting with it incorrectly. Please follow the link in the video description to the corridor crew video, and watch the tutorial at the end of it first! You can then also grab the link from their video description.

---I watched the corridor crew video and I've followed the instructions but it's still not working for me!

Sometimes it stops working when it gets slammed. I'll try to make an addendum tutorial/ work around soon, but that might require redistributing a file of theirs and I'm not 100% sure that's cool, so I'll need to inquire about that first. The file in question is called e4e_ffhq_encode. pt and it should be over 1GB in size. If you try following the tutorial and you get failures, check to see what size it is for you. If it's mere kilobytes in size, then it didn't copy over correctly and it's the source of your errors.

---Can we get an imgur link?

Yup, here's everything!


The AI-renderings somehow miraculously translates even the ugliest DS1 faces into quintessentially authentic British faces. Now try Oblivion.


That Gwynevere statue actually looks hilarious. It looks like she's high.

"Stoned", if you will


15:38 this is now canon for any/all future Solaire cosplay


5:15 in the game code the wall hugger is actually called Prince Izalis. So its not a huge stretch at all to say King Jeremiah is turning into that.


Lautrec looks like he´s gonna tell me which deckboxes and card sleeves are the best choice for my MTG cards.


Top left Gwyndolin actually looks like it would actually be a sibling to Gwynevre from the last video


Top left for Gwyndolin, because he's treated and raised as a girl by his father. It just seems the most sensical lore wise.


The dude who just pasted Griffith's face over Gwyndolin was probably the closest, to be fair.


Two character names mash so well together: André the Giant Blacksmith.


The AI-generated wisp face just pulled me into a private discord chat and called me kitten


That top left Gwyndolin looks really good, truly proves how Gwyndolin is the best/hottest Dark Souls Waifu


I really love that Vince looks that young, like he is just a young lad that serves the way of white from a really young age.


I just love how the Giant Blacksmith looks exactly like Thanos, yet gets rendered as Laurence Fishburne. The resemblance (of both) is astonishing!


It says in the item description of the skirt that she was "maimed" so i'm pretty sure the legs are cut off

"Perhaps its former wearer was maimed to prevent escape?"


The conversion of Lautrec's second friend is definitely Taylor Launtner... or an alpaca.


"Havel looks like he plays the bass in a prog rock band"
You just made him way cooler.


Doctor: "Karen of Astora don't exist, she can't hurt you"
Karen of Astora: 15:40


PLEASE do DS2 next!!!

I always thought that the robes of Jeremiah were supposed to resemble that one big cone like tentacled enemy in Izalith that grabs you and throws you in the top of its head where there are a bunch of teeth, especially based on the DS3 version of the outfit which also has the more flat top.

That Dusk looks way better.


Speaking of Anastasia, Zullie did a short video about the legs thing and basically came to the same conclusion that her legs were cut off to avoid her escaping
