PilotEdge CAT-03 Rating: Pattern Work, 3 Laps | Communications & Airspace Training

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Three laps in the traffic pattern at a class D airport while talking to air traffic control. Due to the limitations of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, this video does not demonstrate how to properly fly the C172, but rather how to properly fly a traffic pattern while in contact with ATC.

Remember that your flight may be different than what you see in this video based on the weather conditions you are using in your simulator. The wind may favor the different runways when you fly your flight so plan accordingly.

Intro to the CAT-03: 0:00
CAT-03 Briefing: 0:10
How to Fly a Traffic Pattern: 1:20
Pre-Flight Briefing: 6:10
Taxi: 9:45
Approaching the Runway: 12:38
Takeoff: 14:09
1st Pattern Lap: 15:28
Cleared for the Option: 19:06
2nd Pattern Lap: 20:26
3rd Pattern Lap: 25:30
Exiting the Runway: 30:45
Taxi to Parking: 31:40

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Thank you so much for these videos. You not only make taking the Cat ratings so much less intimidating, but you make PilotEdge look really good as well, and there are always a few things you teach that I go: "Huh! Interesting..." or, "oh. I didn't know that"


Great video! I loved Keith's videos, but the production value on these are way above par!


This is so great. Exactly what I've been working on the last few days, and this video really helped fill in some of the finer points I had been missing. Thank you!


A very well presented tutorial for this segment of the CAT's, Plenty of useful information. Blue Skies!


Just ordered a Flight Sound X adapter to use with my DC headset. This seems like a game changer. Ready to try this out and start learning. 30 hour student, 3 towered landings, but my CFI made all the radio calls. Not helpful at all. For the sim, I use Foreflight, but also bug the runway with the heading indicator and the wind with the OBS.


These are great tutorials - I'm currently working my way through the CAT ratings. I know it's still simulation but I got nervous the first time calling! It's tough sometimes to understand what they are saying, even when I'm listening to our local Tower, sometimes I'm like "I didn't understand a word that controller said" -At the end, right before you are given taxi clearance after clearing the runway, does the controller say 'remain in the streaks?' I couldn't quite make out what you guys are saying there. Thanks!


This is almost an exact copy of the dashboard of my C172. Where can I find this setup? MSFS2020's C172s all have the G1000s.


You know, VATSIM is a great service, but it is absolutely geared toward IFR. The PE subscription is so worth being able to fly VFR without feeling like I’m a nuisance to the controllers, not to mention the fact that these videos and ratings are clearly aimed at people who are new to ATC communication.


I have a quick question. I am following along in the sim and preparing myself for PE! I just went to this airport and practiced patterns. Very nice. Then, I decided to try it using the other runway (11). (lets say the wind changed etc). I looked at the chart and it also says left pattern. So, I took off and did basically the same thing, only going the other direction now. there are some LARGE hills directly in the pattern that are close to this AGL pattern. and you have to get really close to them to complete the pattern. This make me wonder.. why on earth it would be setup as a left pattern when the right would be SO much safer (like what is used for the other runway). Any thoughts on that one?


I’m a newbie but 1203’ sounds strangely specific. Just how accurate do they expect us to fly that altitude? Why not a round 1200?


I'm not here to join in on the critique of airspeeds on approach, etc, but can we presume that for the CAT ratings, the evaluations are based on radio comms with ATC and not flying a perfect pattern, approach, etc? Naturally, you want to do it all correctly, but just curious about the specific criteria for CAT. IE it's not a check ride ;-).


what would one do in the instance where the controller did not specify that you were “cleared for the option” but said only “clear to land rwy 29” how would the pilot then ask to perform a touch in go instead?


Now that you have passed the cat 3 can you continue to practice it again? In other words could you ask for a cat 3 just for practice and get another pass? Thanks


where can i find all training by pilotedge????


I was taught I only turn base when cleared to land, otherwise remain on the downwind and ping the tower.


Don't throw on flaps to slow down, airspeed should be in white arch first. If you were in a Falcon 50 you may have lost the flaps


TPA one thousand two hundred.. and THREE. Can anyone actually fly a pattern that precisely? I sure as hell can't in the sim. The airplane is way too sensitive. Wonder if it is different in real life?


Very helpful, on thing though: I am taught to aim for 65kn on final with flaps full - you seem to be coming in a bit hot...


I love Pilot Edge, and what they do .. great job Keith.

However, this Video should be pulled, and replaced with one where the pattern is flown Correctly, with correct airspeeds, Flaps settings, and altitudes throughout the pattern.
The airspeeds in particular for a C172 were WAY to fast !
If a Video is going to be an "Official" Pilot Edge Instructional Video, it should be better flown than this ...
