Now You Can Assign Action Items in Google Docs, Sheets, & Slides

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The power of collaboration is amazing. But sometimes, when you’re working with other people on projects, ownership can get muddled. it’s hard to know who’s responsible for what task.

Google recently introduced action items to G Suite, which really streamlines the process of assigning tasks within your team. Now, assigning tasks to team members is easier than ever before.

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One issue I can think of is that once an action item is resolved, the comment thread disappears. Then when looking at list of items in the original document, there's no way of knowing what has been resolved and what hasn't, or what comments were made previously. You can search through the comment history, but it's hard to find comments that were linked to specific places in the document.


Is there a way for the person who assigned the task to easily see in one place all the tasks he/she has assigned to other people ?


Is there a way to set up a follow up reminder email for the action? For instance first email is sent, and a second one as a reminder.


Is there a way for everyone in the group to see the responses to assignments? It always seems to come only to me.


I do get an email when an action is assigned to me. I find though that the software doesn't always sense when the assign popup should appear. Would love to have it as an option on the drop down menu of a rt mouse click.


I have an agenda that all shared parties need to take action on. How do I assign it to all parties instead of just one?


We are trying to use this feature on a project, but when you follow the link in the email your receive, it takes you to the top of the document (which is huge). How can we find the specific part of the doc the assignment refers you to?
