Should You Study Further Maths A-Level?

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Hello, welcome back to the channel! I have recently finished A-Level Further Maths (Edexcel), so in this video I go through things I enjoyed about the course; things I did not enjoy: benefits of the course: drawbacks of the course; and ultimately some deciding factors that can hopefully help you determine whether or not you should study Further Maths A-Level.

Enjoy the video!

00:11 Things I Enjoyed
01:14 Things I Did Not Enjoy
01:43 Benefits
03:11 Drawbacks
04:25 Deciding Factors

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Рекомендации по теме

ive done chapter 1 and 2 of edexcel pure further maths and oh my goodness it's so interesting. Im having so much fun despite sometimes not understanding things straight away


Can you please do more videos like this about if you should take certain A level subjects


I had my first couple of lessons and I love further maths so far


Do you think it’s is possible to go from getting mostly 6s in year 10 mocks to all 9s at GCSEs?


I'm in year 11 and my school has a level maths and I asked if they have a level further maths and they do but they said you need to get an A or above in the november mock to do a level further maths but the problem is you have to self teach yourself it. Do you think that is possible to do and achieve and A* at the end or should I move school


Do you think it's possible for me to self teach the subject? my school doesn't offer it unfortunately


Is it worth doing fm if I'm doing 3 a levels?? I'm doing maths, fm and cs. Maths was my favourite at gcse, and I'd love to do a level fm. I'd also love to do 4 alevels, but my college doesn't allow it.


Should I take a gap year and do FM because I’ve realised I want to do a mathematical course at uni?


Hi may I ask how did you revise further maths since there aren’t a lot of past papers available for Edexcel thank you I’m desperate
