Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi | Blepharoplasty Post-Operative Instructions

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*DISCLAIMER: The content/images in this video are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results and experience may vary. The information provided in this video is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure, skin care treatment or before following the instructions.*The content/images in this video are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results and experience may vary. The information provided in this video is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure, skin care treatment or before following the instructions.

This video contains instructions for post-operative care after eyelid (blepharoplasty) surgery. Please watch this video prior to your pre-operative appointment. This video can also serve as a reference after surgery if you need to refer to any of the post-operative care instructions.

Dr. Tansavatdi performs eyelid surgery to restore sagging eyelids, remove excess fat and rejuvenate the overall appearance of your eyes. By reversing unwanted signs of aging, eyelid surgery can remove 10-15 years off your face and give you a more rested, alert appearance.

Sagging eyelid skin doesn’t just make us look older than we feel. It can make us appear tired, angry, stressed or sad even when we’re not. In more advanced cases, it can make it difficult to open our eyes fully and obstruct our ability to see. Men and women who want to rediscover a more youthful appearance or improve their field of vision may choose to undergo eyelid lift surgery, or blepharoplasty.

Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi is a fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon in Westlake Village, CA. Her focus is providing a personalized experience and expert, state-of-the-art cosmetic care for the face and neck. Dr. Tansavatdi is currently Double Board Certified by both the American Board of Otolaryngology and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery and the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. In her spare time, Dr. Tansavatdi enjoys spending time with her family, participating in outdoor activities and volunteering in her local community. Dr. Tansavatdi is deeply committed to providing the best experience to all her patients, including Westlake Village Facelift, Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) and Rhinoplasty patients.

Рекомендации по теме

By far, the absolute best post-op blepharoplasty video available today. When I think of the two-page photocopied handout I was given as I was leaving the clinic I chose in Canada, I was so NOT prepared for what I was about to experience. No one talks about the depression and I have been looking at myself in the mirror for the past week and wondering why I did this to myself. I am going in for removal of sutures in a couple of days... and I feel so much better about the whole process. Thank you so much, Doctor. This video was a balm on my injured eyes and soul.


This is fantastic. Getting the procedure done in a couple weeks, and while my doctor is very good, nothing can beat this video. Thank you for taking the time to do this!


The best video I’ve come across. Very thorough with a calm, measured gentle delivery. Thank you.


Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi, has about been the only doctor who has provided such great and through post operative information that most doctors don’t.


Thank you for this video, super helpful! I had my upper eyelid surgery yesterday. The surgeon was very busy so didn’t spend time afterwards discussing what to do, apart from giving my a prescription & advising me to keeping elevated. I had been googling myself so have been icing since yesterday and I think that is definitely helping. Thanks again Doctor, your video has really helped me.


Thank you! This is by far the most in depth and comprehensive recovery description I have heard! You have been so honest and straight forward…it is so refreshing! I feel more ‘normal’ having seen your video! I am no longer scared of what is happening to me.


By far the best explanation, far better than my doctor gave me. I had Upper Bleth yesterday. This really is so helpful to me.


I just had upper blepharoplasty and I so appreciate all this after care instructions and practical information. Thank you!!


Very clear and thorough. Really helpful. It’s a long list, will need to write down. Good doctor. Grateful.


Yes totally agree with the comment prior! BEST post-po video out there for Blepharoplasty. Thank you so much Dr.!
I have been watching all of these videos. Have a consult on Monday for upper & lower..i am a 43yr old woman.
Thank u again for your very very informative video!♥️♥️


Thank you for taking your time and consideration to create and post such an informative video!


Thank you for this video, doctor! Today is day 9 since my blepharoplacty- upper and woller, and I find it very useful. I also like how calm your video made me feel! Thank you!


The doctor just did my upper eyelid. Never took any antibiotics or pain medication. The pain wasn't that bad. Yes...a little tense but not super painful. No! The stitches were not removed. They were the faded away kind. Hydrogen peroxide worked perfectly. Just had the surgery. Still in healing phase. So far👍


Great video and tons of info that I need for my sugery in 3 days! I will be passing this on!! Didn’t have any of this info and have been searching the web for something to ”calm my nerves” 😂😂. Getting upper and lower done. Sure hope it all goes well 🙏


This is an amazing tutorial. Thank you so, so much. Like another poster, my surgeon just briefly had time to tell me to apply chloramphenicol to eyes on night 1 & I got a prescription for gel and drops. On Day 4 now and my eyelids are SO uncomfortable and tight and it feels like there's something in one eye. The swelling and bruising doesn't bother me. Not seeing the surgeon for another 9 days.. Would feel much more comfortable if my clinic was as thorough as this one!


This was such an informative video. I am seriously considering having both upper and lowers done, but feeling really nervous.


Thank you! VERY comprehensive!! Also, thank you for explaining chemosis - which can be quite scary until explained.


I'll be 55 in May and have been wanting this procedure for a while now. The space in between my eyelids and eyebrows is wrinkly and hooded and I can't create a winged liner like I'd like to. I cannot afford to have this surgery but am glad I watched this video anyway. I learned quite a bit.


The most informative video I have found since having lower eye bags removed a week ago.

My jowls are more pronounced, will they disappear eventually? Is there any exercise I can do to get rid of them?

Thank you


I am having this procedure done I Australia. I wish I could have it done with this amazing and caring Dr. ❤ Thank you for this video.
