God’s Biological Robots (Webinar)

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All living cells need machines that demonstrate nanotechnology way beyond anything that man can make. They also have the instruction manual for the machines, which can't be read without machines.

CMI's Dr. Jonathan Sarfati and Joel Tay will be responding to comments in YouTube's real-time chat.




Countdown Music: TimBuk2 - Through the Years
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I absolutely love your work. My theistic world view was solidified in the science classroom especially cellular biology. Yeshua is King forever.


I just love creation ministries. Although I am already convinced God made the world and the bible is true, with my interest in science & being an engineer, I can never hear enough of God's amazing detail in creation. To me these seminars are like a hymn. Once at work, some one made me feel stupid / bad, and from a bible study I was in at the time and your ministry (as I often read/listen) two thoughts came into my mind in my distress, Jesus did this amazing creation, who is truly a super amazing engineer and everything else, was so humbled to allow his creation treat him with disgust and hang him on a cross (when he knows how fragile their DNA is and all their intimate details) and then I realized Jesus has suffered that for me. So it helps me forgive those who are NOT patient with me (I have ADHD to boot by the way so it takes me longer to learn sometimes). 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do.' I am limited but He is not! I just pray that God will open the ears of others to hear and give me courage to share. Thank-you Johnathon and to all your colleagues for all you do.


Omg I got so excited when I saw CMI uploaded all these webinars 👌 love love love your content


"You guys have computer hard drives and solid state drives...they store one or two terabytes maybe. But in the cell, a cubic millimeter of DNA will store 1, 000 terabytes."-Dr. Jonathan Sarfati (16:10)


When people think the creation of the universe came about naturally, it opened up their capacity to think what happened afterward came about naturally. It does not matter there is no evidence for such natural answers because they actually pray to their secret god of nothing who they truly worship.

"Oh, god of nothing, we deny you exist, and you don't, but we have no choice to declare you our true god if we're honest, but we're not. Please god of nothing, help us to continually grow in offering no science to support you because there is none, but nonetheless, we devote our lives to you and will do the best act we can, no matter how pathetic, no matter how embarrassing, no matter how much evidence is against us, we will use the various tactics to deny the CLEAR science against us like our biggies:
---"that's your opinion",
---"invincible man in the sky", "sky daddy", etc.
---"we don't know yet but science is working on it"
---"no reputable scientists believe that"
---"religion vs science"
---"the bible says...."
---"people used to believe the flat earth"
---"you're a troll"
---"that's not part of evolution"
---"atheism is not a belief"
---"burden of proof is on you"
---"religion causes most wars"
---"I used to be a Christain"
---"you're brainwashed"
---and our great tactic of changing the topic because we can't answer what is the topic so we then can say the others are ignoring us, no matter how clear it is we're the ones stuck and can't handle the topic. Who cares about fairness and honesty. Our god of nothing must be protected at ALL costs!"

"We praise you god of nothing for such phrases (and whatever else we can make up) that answer nothing, but you gave us these word farts to help us deflect what we refuse to face because all us are really stupid wimps and don't want to think, we want to be lazy and act as if we're smart, all thanks to our god of nothing that makes us all a worthless nothing yet we still think somehow we're really something from our brains that came from the god of nothing all by random chance from chaos we evolved from."
