Condizionale inglese: come si forma il periodo ipotetico e quali sono le regole

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Il Condizionale in inglese ti spaventa? Sono pronta ad essere il tuo Ghostbuster ed eliminare per sempre questo fantasma! 👻
Innanzitutto è necessario ricordarsi che il periodo ipotetico anche in inglese è formato da due frasi:
-La main clause
-La if clause (nella if clause spesso “if” viene sostituito da “when”)

Oggi studieremo Zero conditional, First conditional, Second conditional e Third conditional.
Come capire la differenza? Semplice, guardiamo il tempo verbale!

Dopo aver guardato il video e aver compreso le differenze lascia in un commento una frase per ogni tipologia di condizionale!

🌀Mi trovi anche su questi canali social, dove ogni settimana pubblico nuovi contenuti:
Рекомендации по теме

Bellissime lezioni! Ora ci provo 😂😂
0. If I go to bed late, I don't hear the alarm,
1. if you do your homework, you will get a candy
2. If I had sugar, I would make a cake
3. if I had changed the pants, I would have worn them


Cara Norma, sono le 3, 30 di notte e ho appena guardato il tuo fantastico video relativo ad un argomento che mi sta sullo stomaco. Ma con questa spiegazione, giuro che stavolta sto caz.. di condizionale lo imparo. Thank a lot!💓💓💓


Grazie Norma sempre chiarissime le tue spiegazioni
Bravissima 😘


1. If you open the door, you enter the room
2. If I clean the house well, it will shine
3. If I had long hair, I would braid it
4. If I had lnown you were in danger, I would have helped you
Thanks Norma 🙏🏻🤩


Avrei tanto voluto un’insegnante di inglese come te alle medie, alle superiori e all’università!! E invece……🤦🏻‍♀️ bravissima!!!🤩🤩🤩


0. If I'm late, I write a message to you.
1. When I will be here, I call you
2. If I didn't love him, I would not marry again.
3.I would have glady greeted you, if I had seen you!
Thank you Norma, always 🔝


If you eat to much for dinner, you sleep not so well
If you wake up early tomorrow, you'll go to the gym before work
If I had more time, I would read more
If she had gone to the party, se would have met old friends

Spero siano giuste, grazie Norma per questi video =)


ho guardato alcuni dei tuoi video e alla verifica sono riuscita a prendere 7 ❤ considerando che li trovavo difficili, grazie❤


molto brava e chiara!
Le frasi richieste: if i lost my kleys, i can't open my car. if i finish the language's course i will go to Spain. if i knew many languages, i would have do the interpreter. if had learned to you, i would have stayed at home. ciao


Zero: If it rains, I don't go out;
First: I'll call you if I go to the cinema.
Second: I would travel all over the world if I won the lottery.
Third: If you had called me, I would have answered you!
Giuste? Grazie Norma. Sei fantastica!


Sei bravissima Norma
Spiegazioni semplici e chiare
Grazie per il tuo aiuto 💖


1.If you buy the bed, you sleep every day
2 . If I clean my teeth well, they’ll shine
3. If I had a guitar, I would play in a band
4. If I had known you were a London, I would have contacted you

Thanks Norma 😍🙏


Bellissima spiegazione, mi ci voleva. Grazie !!


If I had met you earlier, I would have learned conditionals better!🤞


0 conditional: if you add sugar in your coffee, it become sweet.
1st conditional: if it's sunny, I will go to the beach.
2nd conditional: If I had a car, I vould drive to work.
3rd conditional: If you had told me, I would have lent you some money.


cara norma, ho un esame lunedi e ho un po di dubbi riguardo all'uso del present simple,
non so se sia giusto dire
-if you dont eat, you have hungry
-if you are not eat, you hungry
non capisco quando devo fare la negazione con are not / is not e quando con il does not / dont
spero tu possa aiutarmi grazie.


zero conditional: if you freeze water, it becomes ice. first conditional: if you stay, i will stay too. second conditional: if i were you, i would accept this job. third conditional: if i had studied, i would have passed the exam


0) If you put water in the frizzer, it turns into ice; 1) If I do all my homework, I will take a good mark at the test; 2) If I had studied, I would take a better mark; 3) If I had listened, I would have understood the task.


thanks for this lesson, i wait for the second book!


When/if I am with my friends, I’m happy
If it rains, I’ll take my umbrella
If I had a new job, I’d be more happy
If I had met Freddie, I would have been on cloud nine ❤
