'Optimizing the Patient Journey with AI'

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Presented by John Brownstein, Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School & Chief Innovation Officer, Boston Children's Hospital

Talk Description: Through social media, forums and online communities, wearable technologies and mobile devices, there is a growing body of health-related data that can shape our assessment of human illness. Collectively, this data comprises an individual’s ‘digital phenotype’ - unique, unsolicited and real-time information about a person’s health. Our current research focuses on using digital phenotypes for population health surveillance, specifically to identify and analyze specific sub-populations over space and time with the goal of better understanding patient behavior and disease dynamics. Some current research topics include foodborne illness, insomnia, autism, febrile illness, and patient experience.

This video is part of IACS's 2018 Symposium on the Future of Computation in Science and Engineering. This year our annual symposium focused on how medicine and health care are being reshaped by computational science, big data, and information technology.

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