Fallout 4 Xbox One Mods: Operation Could Not Be Completed Solution

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Hey everybody I've been getting this question a lot in another video. So after some investigating I was annoyingly also getting the "Operation Could Not Be Completed" message while trying to download mods on Xbox One. I really hope this simple solution helps everybody, and I hope Bethesda does not do this again. Whatever happened....

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Could not open mods, got the "this operation could not be completed" message. Tried to just restart as the video said, but still wouldn't load. So, I Uninstalled F4 on my Xbox 1 and re-installed it. My "favorites" mods were saved, any downloaded mods deleted, DLC's came back after a quick re-download, as well as creation club stuff. Previous loads were saved as well, which I was nervous about, have a survival build with 11d and about 18hrs, which I did not want to lose, lol.

Anyway, hope this helps!


It didn't work, here i'll mark it on your map.


This video didn't work for me.

What I did to fix this issue:

1.While in the Mod Menu- press the Xbox button on your controller

2. Go to Settings

3. Go to: Network> Network Settings> Go Offline

4. From the Settings screen Press "B" Back into your game (after a few seconds you will be booted from the mod menu to a screen that asks for your email)

5. Press the Xbox button again

6. Go to: Settings> Network> Network Settings> Go Online

7. From the Settings screen Press "B" Back into your game (it will most likely still be on that screen that asks for your email).

8. Wait a few seconds to let your network sync again and then Press "B" to Back out to the main menu for Fallout 4.

9. From the Fallout 4 main menu click on Mods

10. Find your mod and download

Let me know if this does not work for you. Hard reset may or may not be required

Update: for those of you who cannot get it to work try some of these methods individually-

Reset your router

Clear Xbox cache (do hard reset, wait for white light on power box to turn yellow, then unplug the plug from your power box and hit the power button 5 times. Plug back in and try again)

Go to mod menu, switch your gamer profile, then switch back to desired gamer profile

Go to settings> power&startup>turn off or restart>fullshutdown (this is an alternative to hard reset)

Go to settings>network>network settings>advanced settings>alternate MAC address>clear>restart (this is an alternative to clearing cache)

If none of these methods work for you try again at another time.


I swear Bethesda just done this in order to make us play fallout 76


Somebody needs to tell Bethesda to fix this.


How about we all complain to Bethesda?


This is obviously on their end if everyone has this issue but deflect it back on us with their goofy troubleshooting page...that hasn't worked for me. They need to quit being lazy and set up their servers properly imho.


dude you are a life saver. i had kept checking for a solution to this problem all day and i noticed 3 hours ago your video was the first to pop up for this issue and i just want to say thank you

Update! so if the hard reset does not work, yall have to delete all your reserved space reset the game and download your mods all over again but it works too


Heres what i did to fix the issue:

I loaded the game (not signed into an account)
I signed into my account when it loaded
I pressed Y to switch profile and added guest
I loaded mods ( whilst signed into the guest account) the game crashed
It took me back to home like its supposed to do when a game crashes
I loaded the game back up
Switched profile back to my main account (dont sign out of the guest account just switch to main account)
I Loaded mods
Went to a mod pressed download and it worked.

If it didnt work u did it wrong cos i did this for my brother and it worked on his xbox too.


After that disaster next-gen update that deleted all my mods I can't even redownload one of my mods now and when I click on the mod I wanna redownload then I get that annoying message saying "The operation could not be completed" then it kicks me back to the main title menu


They really need to fix this it’s actually embarrassing how many bugs there are in their games


Nah its 100% Bethesda. Fallout 76 comes out and Skyrim + Fallout 4 has trouble with mods. Whether its because it's the game that's f-ing the servers up, or if they are trying to make us get Fallout 76, it's their fault.


Man u helped me so much. I love modding my fallout and when this happened I was so confused. So thank you so much for making this guide. It was so helpful


Thank you so much I can now download mods that are not allowed to be spoken about on YouTube


Leave it to Xbox to make it a simple hard reset issue....Bought a new Xbox One X and ran into this setting everything up, had to reinstall my mods but at least fixed the issue, thanks man!


Saved my sanity

My method :
1)disable all mods
2) hard reset two times
3) enable all mods
4) cross your fingers


I've tweeted at Bethesda and Xbox multiple times about this but haven't gotten a response. Ever since 76 came out this has been happening. They are such a disaster.


Thank you. Really. I've been spending hours trying to download mods with no success and then I found this.


Gonna give this a try. Thanks for the video, I didn't know others were having trouble. But dammit Bethesda, are you trying to drive away your fan base?

Edit: It worked! Thank you again. Made the switch from One to X, still won't play a non-modded Fallout 4.

Edit: It only worked for a bit. I've given up at this point, after trying multiple times. Really wanted to try some 4k Fallout but Bethesda...well, ya'll know.

Edit...again: If the video doesn't work; or(like it did for me) only works once but suddenly stops, there is a top comment that also worked for me. Going offline then online. You can also find other suggestions in the comments for that comment.


This helped me so much dude! Thank you so much. Hope ur channel does well. Cheers
