'ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL' - The Four Most Dangerous Words for Your Business

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Good morning, everyone. Sandy Waggett here with MSW Interactive Designs, and today I am here with another marketing tip.

Today, my marketing tip revolves around messaging, and this is one of the most challenging things for most small businesses.

You know, the visibility coach, David Avrin, talks in one of his books... (Let me see here... "Visibility Marketing.") He says, "all things being equal" are the four most dangerous words that a business owner can face.

"All things being equal" is danger, because when "all things being equal" happens with your competition, you are then competing on PRICE, and that is a quick trip to the bottom!

NO ONE wants to compete on price.

So if you want to be the leader in your space, in your specialty, in your expertise, you cannot allow all things to be equal.

Now you're saying, "Sandy, we're the best. I mean, things aren't equal."

But here's the thing.

When it comes to your marketing, are you conveying that? What is it that separates you and makes things not equal to your competition?

So you have to be better at something in your space and you have to be known for that thing.

Think about how you're communicating it or likely NOT communicating that in your marketing pieces... Wherever you're marketing, whether it's online, in print, on radio, on TV, on cable, whatever it is.

So you want to offer value added services and do a better job of zeroing in on the problems that you solve for your customer and offering the most creative and effective solutions to those problems.

Now, you may be doing that right now. But are you conveying that in your marketing and are you known for that ability in your space?

If not, you need to change that in your messaging.

You want to include creative extras and you want to make it difficult for people not to choose you... Because all things are NOT equal.

You are the BEST and ONLY logical choice.

The question is, is the language in your marketing conveying that message?

In most cases, it's not.

So, Sandy Waggett with MSW Interactive Designs. We are experts at crafting language that makes you stand out!

It's not an answer to a customer has a problem and where you say "we can do that." Instead, you want to say THAT'S WHAT WE DO.

It's the power of language.

So give us a call if we can help you with your messaging. We will help you write effective messaging and marketing campaigns that you can use across all platforms to grow your business.

Sandy Waggett with MSW Interactive Designs... I hope this tip helped.

Have a great day!

MSW Interactive Designs

With a Highly Effective Website and a Robust Social Media Presence So You Stand Out Over Your Competition and Attract More Customers
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