The KEY to Effortless Language Learning

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The most underrated thing in language learning....

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I had been listening to massive amounts of input in Japanese and I was losing motivation to do any listening because I wasn’t really making progress, I really only felt progress when reading. But, in one of your videos you mentioned that if you use easier material meant for learners it’s more boring but you progress faster. So I started with a podcast where the speech was very simple and I could have easily understood it if I read, and I binge listened to it, listening to all forty hours of it in about two weeks. Then I found one a little bit harder and did the same, and after doing that for three podcasts my listening ability went from barely being able to get key words from sentences to being able to follow most TV shows in months. I’m continuing to do that but also am starting to do an hour of Dreaming Spanish and Chill Spanish Listening Practice a day. Thank you so much for the awesome information you are putting out there.


Oh wow. I’ve just seen this video… it’s been sat in my watch list until now. Delighted I could inspire a video! 😂


To anyone reading this, double check the laws in your country before doing the headphones during driving thing. In some provinces in Canada (where I'm from) it is illegal to use both earbuds at once as it is considered distracted driving.


I think that unfortunately (for your bank account) there is no 'ideal' form of audio, its all down to circumstances and preference and budget and i've spent more money than I should on trying various options. I have never found earbuds comfortable, even if they are convenient. I prefer full earphones when out walking, but they are uncomfortably hot for me in the summer. One thing I've found is that a very small portable bluetooth can be really useful - I use a JBL Clip 4 which I carry around with me before bedtime for half an hours input - I just leave it by my bed with maybe a 20 minute short story on, and I go to sleep on that - and when I wake up I put on Pimsleur to get me into the day.


“The American lady” ha ha ha.

I’be started listening to podcasts while I’m out and about—like you’ve recommended before—and I’ve gotten a ton more input! What I’m wondering, though, is how much you pay attention and understand. I notice that listening while doing chores means I’m not 100% focused on a podcast so I miss things here and there.

So, how much do YOU understand when you listen and how hard are you listening?

Lastly, what Spanish podcasts are you using? I’ve gone through Un Día en Español’ two whole monolingual seasons a handful of times each. I’m memorizing them so I need new ones. Thank you!

And I’m still hoping to see that daily routine video we talked about the other day! Cheers!


Thanks for the advice, and the links below the video. I had not considered, nor known of them before.


Earbuds have transparency so you can have noise cancelling and hear-through without switching headphones. All you need to do is tap your ear.


You mentioned before that Pleco has graded readers in Chinese... do they have the audio books for those graded readers as well?


I know a lot of of words but I can’t speak English language very well it doesn’t matter how hard I work. I can speak little but I can’t speak fluence. I have language berrier it doesn’t what I do? Thank you


Hi - I'm trying to learn chinese. At the beginning of this video, it feels like you gloss over the point about graded Chinese readers + audiobooks.
Also, I don't see much material on your channel about your journey to learn Chinese.
Do you have links or suggestions on materials/apps/sites for Chinese specifically?
Thanks in advance!


I don't about where you are, but where I live it is illegal to drive with headphones. (Of course, blasting the radio in a car that is insulated from outside sounds is perfectly fine... 🤷‍♂)


Do you have any suggestions for people doing a minority language with limited graded materials?
