Why do we recommend 'WHITE' Dental Tooth Fillings?

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SILVER vs. WHITE: Teeth Look Better White!!! What you need to know about fillings.....

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2940 North Church Street, Suite 301
Layton, UT 84040
Phone: 801-217-3359
Fax: 888-661-5992

Roy Office
3540 West 6000 South, Suite 200
Roy, UT 84067
Phone: 801-217-3359
Fax: 888-661-5992

Syracuse Office
780 South 2000 West bldg F2
Syracuse Utah 84075
Phone: 801-217-3359
Fax: 888-661-5992

The main decision that a patient will need to make at their filling appointment (or during the treatment planning) is their choice in filling material. The two main classes of fillings are composite resin and amalgam metallic alloy. These two filling types are often referred to by patients and doctors as "white" and "silver" fillings because of their color.

The recommendation most doctors will make is for the placement of a composite filling. Composite fillings have a 40 year history and are comprised of a plastic resin that is initially soft but cures to full strength after a short exposure to the blue range of the light spectrum. Composite fillings are bonded or "glued" in place to the tooth on a microscopic level. The pros to using composite fillings are that they can be very small in size and adapt to any shape of cavity, come in a wide variety of colors to match your smile, and have no chance of darkening a tooth over time.

Amalgam alloy fillings are comprised of a mixture of copper, silver, tin and elemental (safe) mercury. They have a 100 year history of use. Amalgam fillings are held in place by the shape of the cavity. One major drawback of an amalgam filling is that if the cavity is too small the filling still has to be of sufficient size for proper hold and overall strength. The minimum size requirement of amalgam fillings limits the doctor when attempting to preserve natural tooth structure. Besides only coming in one color, the silver in amalgam fillings has the tendency to tarnish and percolate into the tooth over long periods of time, resulting in a gradual darkening of the tooth.

Composite fillings are not without their shortcomings however. During the bonding procedure where the doctor is placing the filling, the tooth needs to be kept as dry as possible. Any water introduced will retard the gluing of the filling into place and reduce the overall longevity of the filling. In certain circumstances, such as bleeding gums or hard to reach locations, if a filling cannot be kept dry enough, then an amalgam filling is a better, longer lasting choice.

Composite (plastic) fillings are also softer in nature than amalgam (metal) fillings. Because of this they tend to wear down faster in those who grind their teeth. Composite fillings also need to be kept clean and require regular brushing and flossing, otherwise they tend to develop a new cavity along their edges. Amalgam fillings are more forgiving in this aspect. If a cavity starts to form along its edge the silver tarnishes and helps seal out the bacteria, making it harder for the bacteria to dig deeper. However amalgam fillings will still experience recurrent cavities if not cared for properly as well.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for this information man....
You made me calm


I just left the dentist, and he wanted to drill out my old metal filling and put this new white stuff in. Not going to happen.


Is there a way to cover over silver fillings, so it looks white?


I saw my fillings In my mouth in the mirror and I thought mine were rotting, I nearly had a heat attack, thanks


I have struggled with my health ever since I swapped metal for composite . boa is extremely dangerous fir the endocrine system in all human beings . most dentists are in for the money and arent concerned about the person.


They recommend white filling because its more expensive but what they dont tell you your teeth will be more sensitive to cold and hot like alot


I have a filling scheduled in a few weeks where they are planning on using 3M ESPE Scotchbond Universal, Shofu Inc. Beautiful Flow Plus, and Beautiful II materials, all of which are roughly 20% Bis-GMA. What kinds of alternative materials are available, and what kind do you use?


What about govt transparency? NIH did a grant study on dental white fillings. Guess what study was referring to? Increasing estrogen in body from these white fillings. Shouldn't MALES have a choice before these dental white fillings are used? This study determined whether placement of composite (white) dental restorations (fillings) & increasing the concentrations of bisphenol A (BPA) had estrogenic-like properties that raised concerns about safety abiut . amounts of the chemicals leached out of dental sealants and detected in saliva soon after the sealants were applied. Dental composites also contained some of these compounds? Why wasn't the public made aware of this and shouldn't it had been transparent?


Good job you explain very well and didn't keep out information like them other dentist to hurt our kids in the long run bless up doc 🙏💯💯💯🌎


Yeah yeah why is the more expensive variant recommended?


I had my silver fillings in for 23y no problems


Very helpful, thanks guys for sharing 😁


I get this done on Saturday and my whole mouth is on fire!! The dentist took chunk of tooth out where the cavities were and done the white filling. My tooth and gums are very very sore! Am I allergic to it?


Tired of people bagging on these guys, saying that they’re just recommending the more expensive one for the money. No. What’s cheaper isn’t always what’s better. In some cases, sure. In all cases, absolutely not. Just because it’s amalgam fillings are cheaper than composite ones doesn’t make them better for you. Yeah, they may be better in terms of your pockets, but are they better in terms of long-term health? Think about that.


Is a black color filling allowed in defence
Medical tests


Bone cement with nickel cobalt and chrome ?


We recommend white fillings because they aren't as durable as silver fillings so that you will have to keep coming back to the Dentist. Don't trust silver fillings despite their century long track record.


I've been very sick since composite fillings. Was tested and didn't show allergic but mouth burning and throat swollen for a year. Nobody believes it's allergy and my health is gone ☹️ What do I do, ?


those teeth on your picture do not have white fillings in them???
