Session 2 – Responsible tourism as an ally for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)
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This session will examine how through safeguarding, communities can recreate ICH
through the process of intergenerational transmission so that their practices continue
to respond to their environment and provide them with a sense of identity and
continuity. It will further look at the contribution sustainable tourism can make to
supporting the transmission of ICH to future generations, while creating products,
services and experiences for visitors.
How can tourism, culture and local community stakeholders work together to ensure
the dynamic and living nature ICH is respected and adequately interpreted? How can
we ensure that increased tourism around an element of ICH does not lead to its
decontextualisation? How can we ensure a positive role of tourism in this process?
- Moderator: Mr. Eugenio Yunis, Senior advisor to the Board of FEDETUR Chile
and to the Board of the Chilean Hotel Association, and Member of the World
Committee on Tourism Ethics, UNWTO
- Ms. Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic
Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia
- Mr. M. Öcal Oğuz, President of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
and Chairman of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expertise Committee
- Mr. Neville Poelina, Director, Uptuyu Aboriginal Adventures, Australia
- Mr. Ahmed Eiweida, Global Coordinator for Cultural Heritage & Sustainable
Tourism, The World Bank
Third UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
:for the Benefit of All
Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 December 2018
through the process of intergenerational transmission so that their practices continue
to respond to their environment and provide them with a sense of identity and
continuity. It will further look at the contribution sustainable tourism can make to
supporting the transmission of ICH to future generations, while creating products,
services and experiences for visitors.
How can tourism, culture and local community stakeholders work together to ensure
the dynamic and living nature ICH is respected and adequately interpreted? How can
we ensure that increased tourism around an element of ICH does not lead to its
decontextualisation? How can we ensure a positive role of tourism in this process?
- Moderator: Mr. Eugenio Yunis, Senior advisor to the Board of FEDETUR Chile
and to the Board of the Chilean Hotel Association, and Member of the World
Committee on Tourism Ethics, UNWTO
- Ms. Eva Štravs Podlogar, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic
Development and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia
- Mr. M. Öcal Oğuz, President of the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
and Chairman of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Expertise Committee
- Mr. Neville Poelina, Director, Uptuyu Aboriginal Adventures, Australia
- Mr. Ahmed Eiweida, Global Coordinator for Cultural Heritage & Sustainable
Tourism, The World Bank
Third UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture
:for the Benefit of All
Istanbul, Turkey, 3-5 December 2018