The Workout For Sad People

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Music: Out of body experiences by Knonzzz

#gym #workout #fitness
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I want you to understand something. You have ALWAYS been inspirational to me. Your dance videos, your skits, your dedication to trying to get on SNL and wrestling and never giving up. All of it. You are the most criminally underrated creator on youtube and if nothing else I hope you realize how much you mean to people out there.

Much like why I love SNK so much. You are the underdog. Please never give up man. You are awesome and you always will be.


Refreshing seeing someone being real about life in general.


I've been following you for a decade and a half. You're still the same genuine down to Earth dude. Love you, man! Can't wait to see the next person you'll annihilate in a boxing match.


Sorry to hear it's been tough for you these last few years. I've been watching you dance, do stunts and play characters online for many years now and you're always able to make me smile. Hopefully your workouts will help you get centred again.


Two years ago I came back to working out and dieting from being sedentary at my job. In about 8 months of a regular routine, I lost 45 pounds and gained a lot of the strength I had lost over that time. I gained it all back over 2023, only for many aspects of my life to unravel and become unbelievably difficult. These last 10 months, I've lost almost 30 pounds but this time due to overwork, stress, and poverty. Hearing you talk about getting older, struggling, and being changed by these experiences hit me straight in the heart and reminded me that I'm still alive and still feel things despite it all.

I first saw your work at some of the hardest points in my life in my 20's. You were so far ahead of everyone as far as your approach to comedy and storytelling, and people are only starting to catch up now. I'd watch your Trale Lewous commercials every day and show them to everyone I knew. Coming back to watch the one where you yell at the mosquitos biting you is what brought me to this one. Every time I saw your name pop up with some new project, every short film you released, it was always a real treat. You even managed to make a home workout video something more than technique explanations or "grindset" platitudes, but human and expressive.

Thanks for everything Nathan, please keep shining bright even in the dark!


I've been sad for decades and off working out for ages, so this really helps. I hope that things get better soon. You're doing your best and that is the hardest thing of all.


Hey, Nathan. I just came back to your channel, after you just gave me a ❤on a comment I made three years ago. I'm so glad you did, so I could see what you're up to. Man, you look fantastic! You always did, but now you're on another level. I had to go back to some of your dancing videos, because they are absolutely incredible. I watched the gymnastics video again, too. That is seriously one of the funniest videos of all time. Your commitment to comedy is 100% and obviously without much regard to personal safety! You're a legend. Also, that beard is epic! I only wish I could grow something that magnificent. I started getting gray hair at 21 and it's all solid silver now. Anyway, I'm rambling now. Take care, Nathan. We love you, man! ❤


Im out of shape. I used to be so in shape. Im 43, as well. During the pandemic, I got depressed, and I'm bone on bone knees and hips. I've decided that i need to start doing walking aerobics. I used to be a health and fitness consultant, and I exercised and worked out all day, I loved it. I miss that. It's time to get it back.


Thanks for doing this Nathan. I too am a sad person. I'm 39 and I broke my collarbone a few years ago as well as loosing my Dad within 6 months after. My motivation has been basically non existent. I'm not over or under weight but I want to get back to where i was before all the stuff happened. Doing some decline pushups while watching felt good. It really shows how much a workout partner can help. I'll keep working out along side you if you keep doing the workout vids. Much appreciated Nathan.


I started working out 3 days ago
In 37
I've not lived well
I'm 130 kgs, at 6'2
I have a good amount of unearned strength
I work in IT
I'm diagnosed ADHD
Depression is yes
I've never been really very fit, but I definitely used to be much fitter than I am now

I'm just out of my most recent bout of weeklong bed time

I have a little bit of money. Not a crazy amount. If I had a family, I'd probably be in poverty. But for 1 person, I have some to lose

I've decided I'm going to set aside a budget for physical and mental health. A big budget. Much bigger then i ever have before

Just kind of realised. Nothing is more expensive than dying. Might as well blow all my money trying to live, than lose it all by no longer existing

Kind of peculiar that this is the video I see at this moment in my life

Hopeful? Kinda


I'm sending positive thoughts and vibes your way Nathan. Things will get better, we just have to keep going until we see a new view. Love you buddy.


Feel like Nathan could be the next real life rocky. Greatest underdog


Thanks man.... For giving some hope when we have none to spare.


You dont have to be happy for anybody. Im just glad youre around man. I know its kind of a weird thing to say cause I'm a stranger pretty much just consuming content, but...that's how it is I guess. I'm just glad you're you and I'm happy to get to experience some part of that. Keep on truckin!


Great idea to share dude. I almost got motivated enough to work out. When I do get the energy, this is the video I'm going to rewatch. Thanks Nate!


We love you Nathan. You helped me get through hard times. And made me laugh 😂 when I really needed to. Keep up the great work.


Welcome to the iron club Nathan! Awesome seeing you working out, keep at it and eat the proper amount of protein and you will be blessed with great gains!💪🏼


Nathan, I don't know if you are actually sad. But I always say I am a huge fan! You are unique and inspirational. I still blast NeoGeo song to my friends. Love you man! hope you do great things and lead a great life


The thing I never new about muscles is how quick they disappear if not constantly being worked out.


I always enjoy your workout content man
