UFO over Cleveland? WKYC camera captures mysterious flying object

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On Feb. 21, a WKYC camera captured a strange flying object over Cleveland.
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0:13 it appears and starts shooting off to the east with a slight curve before disappearing. Wrong angle to be a shooting star. Perfect UFO candidate.


I actually have one of these on video in a sparring video, it bounded through the entire sky in 3 jumps, bursting through the clouds, it almost looks like a light ball being fired from a canon


on my life i’ve seen something just like this just closer and brighter, i was with 4 friends in southern Wisconsin at 230 in the morning and they saw it 1 time and i thought they were full of it but then it came back and we all saw it do exactly what happened in the video, this was in june/july 2020


Slow down to 0.25x, and you see the 1st ufo almost burst through clouds, then you see the 2nd pop out, and move up across the screen, and turn back into the clouds. Formation flying? Wingman??


NOT ...this time. I lived in Cleveland 17 years, that was Hopkin's Airport's tower light reflecting through the clouds...Seen it hundreds of times.


That thing was moving!!!! Something like I seen back in April of 1996!!!! Triangle UFO went over Newcomerstown Ohio.


Looks like the light from a spotlight.


Just a bird very close to the camera probably a seagull, you can see the flapping of its wings. Its coming straight towards camera then turns to its left going straight for a sec then goes away from the camera almost like its doing a large circle


I’m going somewhere with this, so just bear with the back story a bit. Or skim through until I point out my reason for all this.

When I was in high school, my dad used to import fireworks from china. Mostly bottle rockets and firecrackers. And by firecrackers I mean 3-4 time as big around as an M80 and about twice as long. One of them blew a hole in our dock around 1.5-2feet in diameter and this was treated 2x6 that was still fresh as that part of the dock was built around a month before the accident…I caught hell for that one.

The bottle rockets looked just like the, what I dubbed as “dirty bombs” that blew the hole in the dock except they flew like, we’ll, bottle rockets… bottle rockets that could easily reach halfway across the Niagara River when launched out of this 4.5-5feet tall, 1/8 inch thick steel tube with an inch thick metal plate welded to the bottom of it that my dad had made by a guy that worked for him. We used it to tamp the ground to place walking stones from the house to the dock and around the stone bbq grill/pit my dad had near the break wall of the river. I hated that thing by the time we were done with all that. And by “we” I mean “I” because I’m the one that did it all (which was also my argument for it being no big deal that I blew a hole in the new section of the dock that I built…yeah, didn’t work. Grounded for a month over that one.) But I found new appreciation for it when I decided to use it as a launch tube, as any 16-17yr old would.

Now for the reason I’m saying all this: we all know bottle rockets are kind of squirrelly and they never have a smooth flight path. This UFO we’re seeing in this video looks EXACTLY like those dirty bombs on a corn dog stick (yeah, me naming stuff again.) If my dad saw this video when I was a kid I’d get grounded again even if I didn’t do it. I quit lying to my parents at the age of 12 when I got caught stealing the one and only thing I’ve ever stolen (a Hot Wheels car.) and even though I have kept that promise for 4 or 5 years at that time, I’d have still gotten grounded and he knew it. That’s how sure he would’ve been that it was me. He’d have said I put a cap on the end of some 2” pvc pipe, climbed to the top of that tower near where the UFO seems to start and launched a dirty bomb on a corn dog stick. And it would have been a sound theory, because that’s exactly what I think it is in this video (just not me.) the camera pulls ❤back for a wider shot and being aimed directly where thing appears seems kind of like someone in the distance was ready to film it. I know it says the news station camera recorded it, but maybe it was footage sent in to the news station and where the footage came from was lost in translation. Or maybe someone who knew where the cameras were decided to go get on the evening news.

Just trying to give other options to rule out. One strike against all this is that it was taken nowhere near the 4th of July (never seen it 35 degrees at any time anywhere in the USA near this date which would be when my scenario would most likely have happened.)

That said, I can’t imagine anything with the technology to visit us still working out the kinks in their flight trajectories and propulsion systems. The path it took is about as not smooth as it can get.


In slow motion it looks like a close bird zipping by.


it's a bird flying towards the camera then it turns away

the camera resolution and framerate are too low for the sensor algorithm to properly resolve the motion of the bird at night, since the light reflecting from it's body is very soft

thus, it makes it harder to determine what fast moving objects are


I really searched for this. Earlier exactly 4:44 am here in te Philippines, I saw a strange flying up in the sky. First, i thought it's just an airplaine but the movement was very fast and the brightness of the flying object was not a typical flying plane, and oty suddenly vanished. I told my mother what I saw but she just dont believe me, she just said it was just a meteor but i disagree 'cuz it's not like meteor the object is big and to bright.


It's definitely not in the far distance. It's relatively close to the camera, so it's probably a bug flying by.


That could have been some kind of ground or boat based light sweeping across the sky and shining on the clouds. I've seen that before.


Its got wings if you put up full screen yu see it flap its wings


I've seen this exact thing. Maybe a shooting star but I catch them all the time


Definitely a seagull. But it could be an alien seagull...you know, from Canada.


Hello from Securteam10!! this is absolutely amazing!! :O


Obviously it cam into the atmosphere and burned up really quick. Only thing with my theory is the angle in which it traveled. Seemed like it traveled straight across the sky and was well under the atmosphere.


It looks just like the searchlights that Toronto has been using ever since WW2. Same arc, speed and trajectory. I'm not sure what the significance is; I've heard it's done out of respect/tradition. Given that Cleveland is close (4hrs away by car) and also on a great lake (Lake Erie), I wouldn't be at all surprised if this is what was filmed.
