Knowledge, Skills Or Experience. Which Do You Need? #1180

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Whether you're recruiting or looking for a job, you need to be thinking about the priorities for the position in terms of Knowledge, Skills or Experience.

Ideally, as an employer, I want to see that you've applied your Knowledge to develop some Skills that you can then show me in action, via your Experience.

To me, Knowledge is the often the least important.

If you don't know it...Google it. Or YouTube it.

And when it comes to Experience, what we as employers often get wrong is that we insist on Experience within a specific field or industry.

But sometimes, we miss out on considering the perfect candidate, just because their Experience is in what we consider a non-related field.

So, for me...

#1 Skills

#2 Experience

#3 Knowledge

What's your opinion?

#jobapplication #recruitment #jobcandidate
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