5 FACTS That Prove the SABBATH Is on SATURDAY 😇

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There's a variety of opinions about which day is the true Sabbath day of God in the Bible. Some claim it's on Sunday because that's when Jesus was resurrected. Others claim that it's on Saturday, the seventh day of the week. Still, others, say that we have to observe the Lunar Sabbath. Then there are those who say you can choose any day of the week to keep as the Sabbath. What's the truth? Find out by watching this video!

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Which of these facts was most convincing to you that the Sabbath is on Saturday (or are you still in denial)? 😂 If you enjoy my videos and would like to help support my channel so I can continue making Christian videos on a regular basis, feel free to make a Patreon pledge or one time PayPal donation in any amount or buy my Sabbath keeper T-shirt. Your support and purchases help keep my channel going. God bless you!


I go to catholic school and I asked my theology teacher why do you believe the sabbath is on Sunday and she said when Jesus rose on Sunday it made it the new sabbath and then I told her that is not biblical and said Jesus died on Friday and rested in the tomb on SATURDAY I told her even though he was dead he kept the sabbath holy even in the tomb! She was dumbfounded and told me she never thought of it that way


Thank you so much for this video. I have Christian friends who say "God doesn't care what day you have Sabbath." You have given me so much power with the word of God. I never have been able to fully understand the Bible. You simplify it for me. Plus, EVERYTHING is ALWAYS backed up with scripture. You can't (i believe) argue scripture.


I also attended 7th day Adventist, one of the strongest church I have ever attended throughout my life.


The LORD just gave me a HUGE wake up call you guys ! Jesus is coming QUICKLY and VERY QUICKLY! He showed me the sky and the moon was just golden ! I believe he is coming VERY SOON! THIS IS NOT A TIME TO MESS UP AT ALL! READ YOUR BIBLES !! DO NOT PLAY AROUND !!!


For this whole month I felt like God has been trying to get me to obey His Sabbath day. I was in many confusion on if it was Sunday or Saturday and I was ready to pick and decide a day. I prayed a lot about which day is the true Sabbath, because I have a really good friend who believes its a sunday instead. Throughout my prayers things were pointing towards Saturday and finally with this great evidence you have provided, I am fully convinced that it's a Saturday. Thank you


Thanks for letting us know. We want to obey God and obey his commandments. Saturday is a holy day not Sunday. Sunday is worship of the sun


My life changed coming to know the true sabbath of the Lord, the sabbath God made for man not man for the sabbath. preach it brother 🙏


He also said remember that word is very key it means that somewhere along the line he knew his people will forget that's why he said remember


July 2023. .Bless those who seek the truth. If a church is blind (sun day worshippers), then the flock will fall on the ditch., , ,


My girlfriend has been trying to convince me of this. Thank you Greg for explaining it better.


Love this!
I always wear my Sabbath hoodie that I ordered from you, every Saturday.
Look at a calender...Saturday IS the 7th day. And God doesnt want us to pick & choose what Commandments we wish to keep!


7th day is the Lord thy Saturday is the Sabbath Day Amen 🙏🙌💚


You know I'm really growing fond of the idea of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church I'm actually going to take a trip down there I live close to the Seventh-day Adventist Campground in vegan food store and just a block or two away from that is the church


I understand now that the sabbath is on Saturday. Thank you bible flock box for opening my eyes and helping me be saved😇. May god bless you


I've known that the true sabbath is on Saturday for some time. However there are no churches in my area that have Saturday services so on Saturday I usually study the bible and watch Christian YouTubers such as yourself. I'm a widow who lives alone and I have to work on Saturdays also sometimes. This is sad but a reality. I'm praying that I can find employment where I can be off on the Sabbath but as of right now I have to work in order to eat. Please pray for me. God been 🙏✝️


I was raised to worship on Sunday at the Baptist Church in my city, but now believe Saturday is the true Sabbath Day. God Bless You Greg and your Family😃


My family is kind of weird out that i will now have the sabbath on Saturday instead of Sunday but thanks Greg for this.


I’m SDA we keep the sabbath on Saturday love you brother


Your research and teachings has reinforced the 4th commandment which most Christians take for granted. If God said to "REMEMBER", then why are pastors still adhering to Sunday? Your format and recap is excellent God continue to Bless you and your precious family in Christ Jesus name through the Power of His Holy Spirit Amen.
