Selecting Rows in Pandas DataFrame Based on Conditions | GeeksforGeeks

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In this video, we're going to discuss how to select rows based on some conditions in Pandas DataFrame. There are various methods for doing it such as loc[], iloc[], isin(), etc. ​Let's understand each of them with the help of live examples.

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00:00 Let's Start
01:00 Selecting Rows from Pandas DataFrame Using Basic Method
02:15 Selecting Rows from Pandas DataFrame Using loc[]
03:36 Selecting Rows from Pandas DataFrame Using isin()
07:08 Selecting Rows Based on Multiple Column Conditions Using '&' Operator
08:42 Closing Notes

This video is contributed by Akshit Madan.
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Рекомендации по теме

Why use .loc when we get the same results just using df[df[? That's something I can't quite understand. Thank you for the video. Concise and informative.


Thank you very much! This was very helpful. It looks like the basic method and the loc method do exactly the same thing!


Thanks a lot! It helped me with our assignment about Selecting Rows and you the best!


isin method was super helpful, thanks guys


thanks for the video. What about if you need to check two columns and if the value of the list isin either one?


Hi there. Great work!
I want to know if there is a lambda function to achieve what we did in this video?
Another thing, if one wants to create a new variable from multiple conditions and also separating few columns from total of let's say 100 columns, what's the best way to do it?
for example, we have columns A to Z. And we want to sort Column B and Column C with conditions, B>0.5, and C<0.1. And at the same time create a new_df with columns A, B, C, D, E only. Is there any effective way to achieve this?


The video is very informative. If we want to select rows based upon time of arrival/departure, how can we do it? Please suggest. Thanks.


thanks a lot for your useful video. I wonder that whether this selecting method can be used for searching assignment ? and I dont know how to search for a month '6' and it still shows the result comprises year, month, day.


if the column is zip code / post code and I want to select the first two characters what is the code for that? for example under column post code I want to show post code that start with NG


How to know that when I choose range between slab as eg: 0 to 5 as 0
5 to 10 as 1, 10 to 24 as 2 etc
Based on column wise ?
Scoring purpose for analysis


Lets suppose we get only those rows whose indexs contain 7 then what condition is for?


Also if we want to select employees who came after 10 am say, how to do it?


I need sale 2 person, product 5 person and Others each is 3 how to I calculate


How to. Know that Larry belongs to Business development team?


for example u have 1 excel sheet and it consist of 10000 data in it. Later when we import that excel file in pycharm or jupiter notebook. if i run that file i will get an Index range also know as Row labels. my python code should be able to read that ten thousand row labels and should be able to separate / split into 10 different excel sheet files which will have 1000 data in each of the 10 saperated sheet.

other example is, if there is 9999 data in 1 sheet then my python code should divide 9000 data in 9 sheet and other 999 in other sheet without any mistakes.

i am asking this because in my data there is not any unique values for my code to split the files using .unique

plz help i have search the whole YT, stackoverflow, and github tooo from 3 days


m getting this Error while putting condition:
'SyntaxError: cannot assign to subscript here. Maybe you meant '==' instead of '='?'

Syntax: DF = DF22.[DF22['sub_code']=1930]
