What is Politics?

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A short description of what people mean when they're talking about "Politics".

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I’m just an average kid but I’m still watching this


Politics is the activity or institution whose aim is to secure life of citizens .


Politics is the structure of the socialite?


I need this for school so ty my teacher is so strict


Do they create law and policies. Is that why they're called politicians?


Politics is a govermental structure that is used to maintain the institution, society and stability of a nation.


I don’t know now your explication confuses me


Monday Nineteenth of June Two Thousand And Twenty-Three.
Dear Sir/Madam. Good-afternoon. How are you? I trust you are well.
What, is Politics all about? I find Politics very confusing. Maybe, only the elite understand Politics.
Yours Faithfully
Mr Francesca Al Kray. 😩


The 2016 election cycle a kid came around and asked me if I thought there were any good candidates running for President. I mentioned a name thinking maybe the kid was smart and wanted to talk. Instead I've had years of gripes and complaining about my answer. I'm not running for political office at any level anywhere in the world or for any politician or political party. I try to e nice and answer a question some young voter initiates and he reports me to some weird political authority somewhere. If we had continued the conversation I don't know where we would end up but it is my opinion that politics is the way politicians make sure issues are never discussed fully or honestly. Politics is a way of crucifying people you don't like. I decided many years ago that since I don't have any friends I don't understand people or human relations and I definitely do not understand politics. Except that people want to destroy you fully and forever. There was even some hint that maybe I should "officially" support a candidate that year and "really" get involved. When I was younger people harassed me over the issue of Blacks, Discrimination and affirmative action. After years of study I believe much of these topics lie in the realm of politics and religion and human relations and there may not be a coherent case law on the topic that solidly defines this issue. Like a lot of men who are forced to fight early during a battle I got killed and massacred in this argument and debate. I probably broke all of Machiavelli's 15 rules of Politics in a few days because I was confused, over my head and out of my league. Politics is something a normal person would avoid at all costs...


You're site isn't working again :(


the video image is too poor, you need to fix it more


Polotics is desision makeing in groups.

The definitions you gave are either riddled with assumptions or tremendously misleading since there are groups that are called by almost everything "the goverment [of x]", and "the state [of x]", and these things are not just the way we direct society and the way society is directed respectively.

Your definitions cause us to miss important and relevant aspects of world and direct our thinking into tight and uninteresting spaces.

It is thus a bad definition


Politics is The general system of how things get done by government in society
