JHipster What's new in our Spring:Summer 2018 collection (J. Dubois, D. K Sasidharan)
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With more than 400 contributors, JHipster gets new features at a very high rate, and it can be hard to keep up with everything! This session is here to detail what's new and noteworthy in JHipster 5, our latest release to date, by the two lead developers of the project.
We'll talk about Spring Boot 2, React and Angular support... But also code refactoring, security, caching and scalability!
We will finish this session with our roadmap for the rest of the year.
We'll talk about Spring Boot 2, React and Angular support... But also code refactoring, security, caching and scalability!
We will finish this session with our roadmap for the rest of the year.
JHipster What's new in our Spring:Summer 2018 collection (J. Dubois, D. K Sasidharan)
What's new in JHipster in 2016 by Julien Dubois @ Spring I/O 2016
JHipster 5 What's new and noteworthy by Deepu K Sasidharan, Julien Dubois
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What is JHipster Lite and why should you care? by Julien Dubois
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Checking & Updating JHipster Versions
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Using JHIpster in Development Mode
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Be Productive with JHipster by Julien Dubois and Deepu K Sasidharan
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Microservices for the Masses with Spring Boot, Angular, and JHipster
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Spring Boot 2 in JHipster by Sendil Kumar @ Spring I/O 2018
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Easy Microservices with JHipster with Sendil Kumar N
Easy microservices with JHipster by Julien Dubois, Deepu K Sasidharan
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What the heck is JHipster lite?