'Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers: Stress and Health' by Dr. Robert Sapolsky

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Science writer, biologist, neuroscientist, and stress expert Dr. Robert Sapolsky presents the inaugural Fenton-Rhodes Lecture on Proactve Wellness.

Sapolsky states that our bodies' stress response evolved to help us get out of short-term physical emergencies - if a lion is chasing you, you run. But such reactions, he points out, compromise long-term physical health in favor of immediate self-preservation. Unfortunately, when confronted with purely psychological stressors, such as troubleshooting the fax machine, modern humans turn on the same stress response. "If you turn it on for too long," notes Sapolsky, "you get sick." Sapolsky regards this sobering news with characteristic good humor, finding hope in "our own capacity to prevent some of these problems... in the small steps with which we live our everyday lives."

This lecture was recorded on September 22, 2016 at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts' Colwell Playhouse as part of the Pygmalion TechFest
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This video is why we are so lucky to have YouTube. Robert Sapolsky = many years of hard work and a brilliant mind = helping man grow up to be a better human being. I am just an average "Joe six-pack" and I get to benefit from one of the great people in this world. SOOOO lucky.


Sapolsky is an amazing scientist, teacher, and standup comedian.


Robert Sapolsky is a phenomenal educator. His ability to transfer complex information to his listener in a entertaining way is worthy of a study in and of itself.


This guy is binge-worthy. Really addictive.
Is amazing that one of the best living scientists today is also one of the best entertainers there is.


Part I - Sapolsky's speech
00:00 - 10:07 - introduction
10:08 - 14:00 - Selye's rats
14:00 - 18:40 - The stress response (inhibition of some less important processes)
18:40 - 20:20- Selye's theory - why it's not qute good?
20:20 - 23:14 - consequences of stress response (atrofy, diabetes, heart diseases - hypertension)
23:14 - 29:04 - type A personality
29:04 - 55:05 consequences of stress response (helicobacker pyroli and ulcers; growth and psychogenic dwarfism, the genesis of the Peter Pan; Libido and gonads, erection; immune system - stress and cancer; cognition and mood - hippocampus, depression, amygdala; idiopathic alopecia areata)
55:05 - 1:01:23 - coping with stress (study on rats - shock and frustration; role of warning and control; role of social economic status social isolation)
Part II - discussion


Had never of him, this video is my introduction to him. 1. Did not want his talk to end.
2. Am in such a euphoric state just knowing how much of him i am now gonna listen to and get his insights.
Thank you for this.


Dr. Sapolsky has restored my faith in the integrity of the scientific research community. He could have easily chosen a much more lucrative vocation manipulating the biochemistry of the mind but instead chose to apply his deep curiosity about behavior to the exposure of the nuts and bolts of what makes us act like humans. He makes the unfathomable almost simplistic without being condescending or superfluous and if that isn't enough he shares his life's work like a neighbor shares a lawnmower. The man is a virtual rock in earth shoes.


I know having a stable permanent home would go a long way in curing my anxiety


My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened-Montaigne


This is my video (not just lecture) of the decade.
Sapolsky's intelligence and humour is matched only by his humility.
A truly fabulous mind.


He is the most interesting person to listen to. I am now listening to his videos almost every day for weeks now. Nothing he ever says is boring. This is entertaintment and knowledge in their best form.


Getting gored by an elephant is a common theme in Sapolsky lectures. I like it.


One needs to be careful when listening to a charismatic, eloquent, educated (more than us) speaker. Always listen critically. Don't give up your own mind to them. I am not saying anything Dr S said is incorrect in the slightest, but I see several comments that attribute his rightness to how much you were entertained by the interaction.


The last sentence - He wished, he was less ambitious. When I think about it now - ambition caused lots of hard life and stress for me. I might have messed up my health putting myself into huge stress. And the result in the end might not be worth it, so yes. Very great advice!! At least for me.


His sense of humor really strenghtens his lectures, he's not like a robot talking without emotions, he's really into the stuff


omg I love this guy..Not many can pull this off....making lectures super interesting and educational, with tons of laugh out loud moments. He's a legend


I fell asleep with headphones on and the crowd clapping scared the hell out of me.


My mother-in-law is 96 years old. She still cares for herself and has all the marbles she was born with -- plus many more. She smoked for 76 of those years. Three packs a day. She never exercised, never worried about her diet, and worried herself sick over her children. Somebody ought to study her before she dies... phenomenal.


I know there's umpteen thousand lectures, symposiums, documentaries, podcasts, et cetera on here featuring Dr. Sapolsky, but man would I love to go and see him live. It's be as cool as seeing Barbara McClintock with her corn.
Many thanks for uploading this. I blame this guy totally for sparking my interest in science, and I think it's wonderful that people have made his features accessible to high school drop outs like me. Cheers!


This was an good video to watch that helped me think about why I am chronically sick with headaches and an audio immune problem. I am so young but don't really handle stress well. Sapolskys lecture was amazing and I feel lucky to have seen and heard him speak.
