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A visit to a school without fixed rules, where students study as they wish, and are their own masters. A co-educational English boarding school, Summerhill was founded by Alexander Neill a half-century ago. In the film, he explains his objectives, and from the activities of the children at work and play can be seen how his methods work. School, he says, should put preparation for life ahead of learning.

Directed by Dennis Miller - 1966 | 28 min

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I went to a school in Central Pennsylvania based on the Summerhill principles and it gifted me with some of my best childhood memories and experiences. Most notably when we practiced Shakespeare plays, the entire play not an abbreviation or abridged version, spent countless hours after school memorizing our lines, and eventually presented the play in front of an audience. We were in 4th and 5th grade.


My granddaughter is 6 she goes to this school she is so happy there. What a wonderful school this is. For all the doubters they do have lessons they also learn about themselves with the freedom they have. She can't wait to get to school each day.


Went to this school in late 80s, early 90s, my happiest times, looking forward to the reunion in 2 or 3 weeks time 😊 I so remember the school meetings


I think the only real "problem" with schools like this is that they create bright kids with open hearts and minds- leaving them bewildered when they have to merge into a society full of people who went to conventional schools where the only things they really learned were how to be conformists or hardened cynics.


Never woohoo'ed on a bass solo before, but man that one was crazy.


I went to traditional schools and all I can think is OMFG I was bullied and whenever someone did something to me unless the teacher witnessed it there was nothing ever done about it and on top of that even if she did, she often just gave slap on the wrist even after certain children consistently targeted me day after day every day I was attendant. And at Summerhill and schools inspired by or similiar to it I would at least have a vote on if they were punished and you know if these children demonstrated a pattern of consistently bullying me day after day I could raise that point to advocate for escalating consequences.


My kids went to an American school based on this philosophy. It was a day school though. Sudbury Valley School in Framingham, Mass.. Its still there after almost sixty years.


I heard about the school from the Greater Reset Activation forum that ended yesterday. Titled Co-creation..
A lady said she cried every time she watches the film.
I'm not positive if I got the right film but I'm going to watch.


During the sixties I was miserable in grade school. When I heard about Summerhill, I wanted to go. However, my father, the teacher, said it was too good for me.


I went to a Summerhill based school in Florida and it was an awesome experience.
I still know many of my classmates and they are closer than brothers and sisters.
If such a school existed today they would shut it down. One example why is we went out off Florida
diving on a reef and pretty much we all went skinny-dipping and nobody though much about it.
Some kids who were 15 smoked cigarettes and drove tractors on the property and used powerful equipment.
It was kind of traumatic heading out of the school because one feels like a fish out of water going into a world
of people who are not open and free. All in all, I wouldn't have missed it for the world but I will point out
not all kids will function well in such an environment. The school didn't really effect career choices - an example was one
of my best friends later went into the Army and retired as a Colonel. Another went on and became a large animal vet. One of the things I miss was our farm - we raised our own food and would take turns making the food in the kitchen and setting up our meals. We even had to learn to
to slaughter animals and prepare them but usually we ate lots of vegetables, fruit and fish when we caught it. The one flaw in the school
was there was no religion or spirituality which means it was the one thing missing which left all of us to have to work that out on our own.
I sent my own kids later to a Catholic school and I honestly think they got better results but Summerhill type schools should not be dismissed
out of hand. I wish there were more elements of Catholic School education and Summerhill type schools brought together to create a rather dynamic interplay of opposites. Dynamic interplay of opposites creates some chaos but it makes an organization vibrant.


where are all these summerhill kids now in a modern film of them


I wonder how they deal with smartphones at summerhill nowadays since it has a huge potential for addiction. Does anybody know about that?


I have same situation with girl who wears glasses, I don't talk about sex, I like when she were read the books I also love books .


Thanks to The Amazing Race, anytime I hear the phrase summerhill I instantly think of the New Zealand sheep farm.


Lol at the student who felt he needed an intellectual answer to explain why he wanted more sex at the school 😂 Like cmon


Sad chapter... pendulum swung too far... Summerhill, in rebelling against the child 'abuse' of old schools, wound up perpetuating child 'neglect' (no scaffolding for positive growth and personal development, etc)


This looks like hell for introverts. You can't win.


okay..the whole smoking around pretty controversial- I'll give you that


almost all of these kids so far sound american, am surprised


Boarding schools are horrible. Children belong with their parents.
