A1- German lesson 65 | Das Wetter | the weather | Über das Wetter sprechen | Wie ist/war das Wetter?

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Deutsch lernen A1 | Thema: Das Wetter : In diesem Video lernt ihr wichtige Wörter, Fragen und Antworten zum Thema "Wetter". Ihr lernt Fragen wie "Wie ist das Wetter?", "Wie war das Wetter?" und natürlich auch die Antworten darauf.
Learn German A1 | the weather : In this video you will learn some very important words, questions and answers related to weather. You will learn questions like "How is the weather?", "How was the weather" and of course the answers to these questions.
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I promise you there are many more videos awaiting you :)
Bis bald! ( see you soon)
#learngerman #wetter #deutschlernen
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Music: Cadenza Collective (written by Pravin Chettri)
Learn German A1 | the weather : In this video you will learn some very important words, questions and answers related to weather. You will learn questions like "How is the weather?", "How was the weather" and of course the answers to these questions.
If you have not subscribed to my channel yet, please do so right now and do not forget to click that bell icon for notifications.
I would recommend you to watch my previous videos too, since I have made the videos in a particular order.
I promise you there are many more videos awaiting you :)
Bis bald! ( see you soon)
#learngerman #wetter #deutschlernen
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Music: Cadenza Collective (written by Pravin Chettri)
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