IFR Breakout Above Minimums - TakingOff Ep44
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Dan Millican and Cinematographer Ron Gonzalez take a short flight from a Class C (HRL - Harlingen in South Texas) over to South Texas International (EBG). Clouds were low so had to file for the 15 minute flight. We broke out 200 feet above minimums. Nice quick IFR trip. Some takeaways-- Sometimes the harder IFR trips are these quick ones, because you don't have the time in the cockpit to brief like you would on a long cross country.
Dan flies from the right seat to get ready for his CFI Exam.
Dan Millican and Cinematographer Ron Gonzalez take a short flight from a Class C (HRL - Harlingen in South Texas) over to South Texas International (EBG). Clouds were low so had to file for the 15 minute flight. We broke out 200 feet above minimums. Nice quick IFR trip. Some takeaways-- Sometimes the harder IFR trips are these quick ones, because you don't have the time in the cockpit to brief like you would on a long cross country.
Dan flies from the right seat to get ready for his CFI Exam.
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