Docker vs VM: What's the Difference, and Why You Care!

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*Modern YouTubers jump cutting every misplaced vowel and topic change*
>Dave enunciating every word of a technical topic for four minutes straight without ever breaking eye contact


a bare metal server is a house. you have your plot of land and your house. it is all yours.
a VMhost is an apartment block. each server is a suite, but share the infrastructure (plumbing, stairs, building door).
a container is a bed in an army barracks. you share everything.


My favorite guy from the MS DOS and Win95 days, explaining something i've been curious about. I have only used virtual machines, but i've supported systems using docker.


Dave, thank you. I’ve held jobs including help desk tech, network admin, systems engineer, and cloud architect since 2013. I’ve asked half a dozen people how containers were different than VMs, and nobody has ever been able to answer the question like you have.

Your statement “if you get ring 0 access on the container, you get it for the whole machine” made it click for me.


Just a note, you technically don't need to learn how to create Dockerfiles, since, just like in a VM, you can create a simple base container (like Debian or Ubuntu or something), open an interactive shell inside the container and configure it however you want like you normally would on a normal system, after which you can run "docker commit" on that container to get an image with all the changes you performed, which you can use similarly how you'd use VM snapshots.


As a older dude who got diagnosed with ASD/ADHD at age 59, I often come to your channel for explanations of things that I just can't seem to digest from others. Thanks.


That little hint about Kubernetes at 12:45 has me salivating for your explanation in the NEAR future.
In the mean time, thanks for making this make sense in the most plain way possible. I get it. I finally get it.
Thanks Dave.


As someone who has been kicking around the IT industry in a variety of roles for 30 years, I understand all the words coming out of your mouth, but this particular video for some reason gave me an unanticipated appreciation as to why it is in so many far future sci-fi settings, technology is more or less treated like magic. Not because it is hyper-advanced and thus indistinguishable from magic in the Clarke sense, I'm talking settings like Warhammer 40K or Fading Suns or even Battle Tech, where a lot of it is either possible now or will be in our near future, where the in-game civilizations had peaked at something far beyond us today but then collapsed and regressed all the way back, and all the people who understood the technology and how to create and operate it were almost all wiped out, so extremely few people remain who can even keep the existing stuff running, much less invent new stuff. And in some cases, the knowledge of how to maintain the technology has become ritualized into religious like ceremonies.

Which is to say, even without an intentional targeting of people who can create and maintain these technologies, how many people today actually truly fully comprehend how this stuff works? Much less can build it from scratch in a clean room? So very few... And yet so much of the world today is critically reliant on this stuff! Kind of nerve-racking when you really think about it.


I worked with IBM's VM in the early 70's. Big iron cannot be beat. What wonderful machines they were and still are. Amazing!


I love this channel, no frills just quality content throughout


"It works on my machine" - my most hated line from my time in QA and build management. 😂


i've been amazed how quickly Docker has been adopted and improved... in a 'past life, ' i signed up for dotCloud and still recall how rapidly a container could be configured and launched... great work, Docker team.


I really appreciate you taking the time to make the videos. Even if I know the information, I still tend to learn a thing or two from you and always enjoy the show. Thanks again


You ask and you shall receive. Thumbs up given brother.


It is not like I'm deifying Dave, it's just this phenomena when I already used a lot of hypervisors, troubleshoted many problems with containers, and got my knowledge in shreds and patches. And then I listen to this summary by Dave and everything goes into its designated place in my head forming a solid structure of knowledge. It happens from time to time to us specialists, when the last book that we read on some subject is so crystal clear to us like it was specifically tailored for our brain to understand, when in reality it's just the critical mass of knowledge in the brain reached the saturation point and we finally got to the level where we understand what the author wanted to say in every paragraph.


I maintained our container stack (docker, containerd, runc) at a major linux distribution for about six months. I'm gonna keep this video in my pocket now, because it's a really good overview of some very technical topics that people tend to have misconceptions about (starting with containers are not virtual machines).


"Get ready to drink from the firehose of knowledge" What a *vivid* metaphor! 🤓😁🤭


Man, your videos are great!!!! You’re technical, but your use of analogies shows your deep understanding of computer science… it’s excellent for learning!!!! thank you so much for creating these videos!!!!


Awesome…and I mean awesome explanation of the differences. My whole background has been with VMWare and HyperV. I’ve been trying to get a clear explanation of this precise thing and this has been the best and most clear.


Compliments Dave. Among the most concise descriptions of this I have seen.
