Why you need Nd filter for your drone

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Here’s why you need ND filters for your drone! 👇🏻

When I first started flying drones I had no idea this existed and kept wondering why my footage looked flat and blown out. Investing in a good set of NDs will completely change your content in more ways than one. Here’s the three main benefits I’ve found after using these for years now.

1️⃣ Motion Blur Control: ND filters allow you to reduce the shutter speed, which is essential for creating natural motion blur in video footage. This is particularly useful when shooting moving subjects, such as water, vehicles, or people, as it helps to convey a sense of movement and smoothness, making the footage look more cinematic.

2️⃣ Exposure Management: In bright conditions, such as a sunny day, the camera can overexpose images, leading to washed-out highlights and a loss of detail. ND filters reduce the amount of light entering the camera lens, allowing you to achieve better exposure without altering other settings like aperture or ISO. This results in more balanced and well-exposed photos and videos.

3️⃣ Enhanced Color and Contrast: By controlling the amount of light, ND filters can help improve the overall color saturation and contrast of your images. This can lead to richer, more vibrant colors and a more visually appealing final product, as it minimizes the risk of highlights blowing out and helps maintain detail in the shadows and midtones.

If you haven’t already go and grab yourself a set of these! I recommend looking at DJI or PolarPro for the best quality filters.

#drone #dronelife #droneshots
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