[Review] NERF STAR WARS HAN SOLO DL-44 GlowStrike Blaster from the new SOLO movie (Mystery Part?)

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Thank you for watching my review of the Star Wars Han Solo Nerf GlowStrike Blaster. Please Subscribe vvv KEEP READING vvv
Well I was definitely hoping for better performance out of this than the previous version, but seems to be the same. The lights and sound function is definitely a cool addition along with the glow strike technology, but I'm super curious what this hole in the grip is supposed to attach to. I know it has to have a purpose or they would not have gone the to the effort to adding it. My guess is Nerf will re-releasing this blaster with an attachment of some sort that goes into this part. Whether it be another blaster or something else, who knows. If you have an idea or a guess definitely let me know in the comments section below. I hope you guys enjoyed the review.
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Music: Ship Wrek, Zookeepers & Trauzers - Vessel [NCS Release]
Well I was definitely hoping for better performance out of this than the previous version, but seems to be the same. The lights and sound function is definitely a cool addition along with the glow strike technology, but I'm super curious what this hole in the grip is supposed to attach to. I know it has to have a purpose or they would not have gone the to the effort to adding it. My guess is Nerf will re-releasing this blaster with an attachment of some sort that goes into this part. Whether it be another blaster or something else, who knows. If you have an idea or a guess definitely let me know in the comments section below. I hope you guys enjoyed the review.
vvvv Other SOLO movie Nerf blaster reviews vvvv
Music: Ship Wrek, Zookeepers & Trauzers - Vessel [NCS Release]